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Wb 2nd November





Discuss the meaning of the following  vocabulary before playing  a clip of the story 'Jack and the Baked Beanstalk', pages 4-6 only (1.09 - 2.16) - see link below






true worth




bathed in a curious green light


After watching up to the end of page 6, discuss what Jack could see when he got to the top of the Beanstalk. Talk about possible setting, think of adjectives to create a noun phrase e.g, tall, green beanstalk.

Talk through the sentences then write each sentence after composing.


When Jack got to the top of the tall green beanstalk he could not believe his eyes. He  saw a ……





Introduce the split digraph sound e-e - Pete lives here

Login to Phonics Play username : PENDLEPHONICS

                                  password: PENDLEPLAY


Play 'Grab a Giggling Grapheme' all phase 3

Play Picnic on Pluto choosing the sound 'e-e'. Ask your child to sound talk  ( segment) then blend the sounds to read each word.




Show your child the front cover of the book we will be studying for the following two weeks. Ask him/her to talk about what they can see. Does it remind them of another story? (Jack and the Benstalk) Ask your child if they know the story and can they tell you who the main characters are and what happens in the story. If not find a clip online of the story. If there are a number of willing family members, act out the story and perform it to an audience of soft toys! Enjoy.


Year 1  'ear' - hear with your ear

Year 2 'ey'- jockey playing hockey

Login to Phonics Play username : PENDLEPHONICS

                                  password: PENDLEPLAY

Year 1

Play 'Grab a Giggling Grapheme' all phase 3

Play Buried Treasure focusing on the sound 'ear'. Ask your child to sound talk  ( segment) then blend the sounds to read each word.

Year 2

Play 'Flashcards Speed Trial' phase 5,  2 minutes... your child to say the sound

Play 'Buried Trasure' phase 5 -ey

Years 1 and 2

Play 'Tricky Words Trucks'. Read the words on each truck. ( year 1 Phase 3, year 2 phase 5) These are tricky words so they tend not to follow the rules, they have to be memorised as whole words. 




Look at the image above with your child. Ask them to jot down on paper a list of things they can see in the photograph e.g. statue, soldier, gun, stone, steps etc.

What questions would they like to ask about the picture. 

Tell your child it is a memorial, explain what memorial means and the significance of the names on the stone plinth below the statue. 

Tell you chid every year we remember the soldiers who fought in wars and lost their lives to help keep our country safe. There is a special remembrance service on 11th November every year. Tak about the significance of the poppy.

Show the clip on the link below and discuss.

Finally make a poppy out of red paper or draw a field of poppies.

