Welcome to our website; I hope you will find it interesting and informative.
Our school motto, ‘We learn together and support each other’, was chosen by all members of our school community and sums up what Pendle Primary School is all about.We pride ourselves on encouraging a caring atmosphere where each child can develop their own talents and abilities , achieving their best academically and at the same time developing a joy in learning.
Our dedicated team of staff, Governors, parents and children all play their part in making Pendle Primary School a happy, stimulating and nurturing environment .
In November 2012, a team of inspectors from Ofsted visited us and judged us to be 'Outstanding' in all areas and overall.
They said:
"The school inspires pupils to thrive in all aspect of their academic achievement and personal development."
"From an early age, pupils clearly enjoy school and this shows in their eagerness to learn. They are very respectful to each other and to all the staff and visitors to the school. They are polite, courteous, work hard and take pride in all that they do."
"Throughout the school there is a supportive and caring ethos. All staff, members of the Governing Body and visitors to the school together create an exceptional environment."
Ofsted visited Pendle again in May 2013; this time for an English subject survey visit. The overall effectiveness of English was judged to be 'Outstanding', as was achievement, teaching, the curriculum and the leadership and management of English.
Why not visit us and experience Pendle Primary School for yourself? I would be delighted to show you around and to celebrate the wonderful things that go on in our school.
Please telephone the school office for an appointment or for the date of our Open Day in the autumn term. You may also request a free of charge paper copy of any information from our website you require.
I look forward to welcoming you to Clitheroe Pendle Primary School.
Mrs Wendy Nunns