FOPS (Friends of Pendle School) is our schools' Parent Association. We are a small team of parent volunteers who create fun, family friendly events throughout the year. We are non-profit so ALL money raised by FOPS helps to fund extra resources in school such as library books, iPads, hot chocolates for Thank you Thursdays, 3D printers etc. We also help towards the ever increasing cost of school trips which include visiting a local Hindu temple, Yr 6 PGL coach cost as well as contributing to in-school visits such as a recent owl visit for KS1, M&M theatre productions for all classes, KS2 First Aid training, £400 towards Science Week and much more.
Without FOPS, many of these things simply wouldn’t happen which is why we are always looking for volunteers to help run events, offer sponsorship or help in any way they can so we can continue raising much needed funds.
We are open to all ideas and suggestions and want to be as inclusive as possible.
FOPS is a great way to meet other parents, make new friends and help support your school community so if you want more information on how you can help, please get in touch via our Facebook page or email or pop along to one of our regular meetings.
Here are just some of the fundraising events FOPS have organised this year:
School DiscoCheese and wine tasting event
Flashy Toy Stall at the Clitheroe Cricket Club Bonfire Easter Bunny Run Summer BBQChristmas fair
Family Quiz
It is only with your support that FOPS can help fund these projects and enable the exciting opportunities to continue for our children. Please keep the momentum going!