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All  staff, pupils and governors of Pendle Primary School aim to ensure that equality of opportunity is available to all members of the school community. For our school this means not simply treating
everybody the same but understanding and tackling the different barriers which could lead to unequal outcomes for different groups of pupils in school, whilst celebrating and valuing the achievements and strengths of all members of the  school community. These include:
• Pupils
• Staff
• Parents/carers
• The governing body
• Multi-agency staff linked to the school
• Visitors to school
• Students on placement

We believe that equality at our school should permeate all aspects of school life
and is the responsibility of every member of the school and wider community.
Every member of the school community should feel safe, secure, valued and of
equal worth.

At Pendle Primary School, equality is a key principle for treating all people fairly
and creating a society in which everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their
potential - irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, disability, religion or belief,
sexual orientation, age or any other recognised area of discrimination.
We pride ourselves on encouraging a caring atmosphere where everyone works
together, supporting each other to ensure that all children achieve their
potential. We aim to develop talents, abilities, self- confidence and a joy in
learning, providing opportunities that will prepare all children and families for
their futures together. Our children will receive the very best start and will be
loved, cared and supported along their journey.

The children in school enjoyed finding out about the festivities and traditions which take place during Chinese New Year.

Inter Faith Week Art Exhibition
