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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


At Clitheroe Pendle Primary School we work with children and their families who have a wide range of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Our SEND philosophy places SEND children at the heart of personalised learning and our curriculum and provision is tailored to meet individual children’s needs. All pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level and pace suitable for their ability and to successfully match pupil ability to the curriculum, we are committed to: 


  • Differentiated materials (both for reinforcement and extension). 
  • Access to ICT. 
  • A range of teaching and learning styles. 
  • Additional in class support. 
  • Additional out of class support. 
  • Flexible groupings (including small group work). 
  • An innovative and supportive curriculum. 
  • The appropriate use of rewards and sanctions. 
  • Mentoring and counselling. 
  • A broad range of extra-curricular activities. 
  • Assessment procedures that emphasise children’s strengths and achievements. 


All children may experience some difficulties in learning from time to time during their school life. We aim to provide equal access to the whole curriculum for all children including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). 


Provision for all children starts with quality first teaching but some children may benefit from specific targets, identified on a POP ( Pupil Overview of Provsion), to help them progress and reach their full potential. These POPs are shared and discussed with parents on a termly basis and include suggestions for how you can support your child at home. Depending on the identified need, extra support may take place in class, in a small group or on an individual basis. On occasion, additional support is sought from an external agency such as, Family and Well Being service, Specialist Teacher advice or the Educational Psychology Service.


We aim to understand individual pupil's learning needs by using the graduated approach of 'assess, plan, do, review'.  Assessment is regular and purposeful and is informed by parents and carers and other professionals, as well as the pupil themselves.  This rigorous and thorough process enables class teachers to make informed professional decisions about the best next steps for teaching each child. 


Our aim is that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, enjoy their time at Pendle and make the best possible progress in school and given the best provision to develop their life skills. 


The following short film from Independent Support, with support from the Department for Education, explains what an education, health and care plan is and who can have one. 




Contact information

SENDCo – Adam Morris


01200 423539

SEN Governor -Vicki Rush


Should you need to make contact with Mr. Adam Morris please do so by calling 01200 423539 or e-mailing

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