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For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and every child should be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless they have an unavoidable reason to be absent. Any absence affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence will seriously affect their learning.

Absence or late arrival also disrupts teaching routines and so may affect the learning of others in the same class.

Government research shows a direct link between attendance and attainment and good attenders also make better progress socially, learn to work with others, and are better prepared for the transition to secondary school and, eventually, higher education, training and employment.

It is very important therefore that you make sure that your child attends regularly .

Our attendance target this year is 98%, but all pupils should strive to achieve 100% attendance if they can.

Attendance guidance for parents

Keeping healthy and minimising the impact of illness on attendance

Please follow the link for useful tips to reduce the spread of infection , minimise the impact of illness and sustain your child's attendance at school during the winter months.

Leave in Term Time & Unauthorised Absences


Leave in term time is not a “right”.  Absence from school can have a serious impact on your child’s education.  All requests for leave in term time must be made in advance of confirming any arrangements and may be granted at the Headteacher’s discretion dependant on the circumstances.  Changes to the Regulations mean that schools can only authorise leave in term time if the circumstances surrounding the request are considered to be exceptional.


If pupils accumulate a number of unauthorised absence’s, school may have to consider referral to external agencies, such as the Local Authority Pupil Attendance Support Team. The use of Penalty Notices may also be considered under certain circumstances, including where leave is taken without agreement. 


A Holiday Request Form MUST be completed if you are taking your child out of school in term time, even if this is only for a day or two.  You can download the form here or call into the school office to collect one:

