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Community News

Thank you for working with us…


We would like to say a huge thank you to-


Abbey Ice-creams for visiting us after our SATs- the children loved the homemade ice-creams!


Tesco- providing bread and juice during SATs week.


Cowmans- providing sausages during SATs week. The children loved their “proper sausage butties.”


Tesco- providing the ice-lollies for KS2 Sports Day.







Child and Family Wellbeing Service


Follow the link for information about local events and activities, including booking forms


Clitheroe Mosque- Taste Ramadan 



Lianne Bradford from Burnley Football Club visited school to celebrate International Women’s Day.

She shared information about the inequality in sports for women. 




FOPS Competition-







February Half Term Activities- 


Clitheroe Library-


We have our regular Lego Club and board games plus 3 exciting events for children to take part in.

Harry Potter Book Day


On Monday 12th February at 2pm, join us as we celebrate all things Harry Potter.

How good are your herbology skills? Can you mix a potion to rival Hermione? Check out what is kept in the Hogwarts safe. Discover which house you belong to and release your Petronus!




Clitheroe Library gets crafty with Bev. Learn new skills, have fun and make friends



01200 374438





11.00 AM-2.00 PM






School Council Competition 

During the Autumn term the school council ran a competition to win a bicycle. To win the children were invited to create a poster promoting travelling to school by walking, cycling or scooting. 
lots of children entered the competition. The iCYCLE team chose the most eye catching poster which was mindful of promoting sustainability and health whilst promoting walking, cycling and scooting to school. 








STEM Challenge

We have close links with local businesses such as Johnson Matthey to promote DT. Each year we take part in the inter school ‘Catalyst Competition.’




Interfaith Week 2023

We welcomed lots of ambassadors from different faiths in our community to share their beliefs with us. 




Upper KS2 had a field trip to the cement works. Craig explained how the land was used to quarry limestone, which was then crushed and made into clinker. The clinker is then ground to produce cement. 







Lower KS2 carried out field work in the community as part of their geography topic.




The School Council created a Guy for the Clitheroe Round Table Guy Fawkes competition. We achieved 2nd place.




Our netball team were invited to take part in a netball festival at Stonyhurst college.
