I hope you have managed to have a nice weekend and are ready for what, for some of you, will be you last week of home learning with Pendle!
I am really looking forward to seeing some of you in school for the final week.
Just to update you, I have been working hard to plan the week to be as useful and fun for you as possible!
You will be given your hoodies on the Monday, and you will be receiving your leavers book which Mrs Bowden has worked really hard on to make sure you have your memories to take away, (if you aren't a Year 6 who is returning to school for the last week don't worry, we will contact you and arrange for yours to be collected) which you can wear for the week in school.
Please come to school in uniform but you may wear trainers rather than school shoes.
In the mornings we will be focusing on well being and transition to high school and having lots of discussions. In the afternoons you will be working on a creative project over the week.
We have tried hard to put you in groups where we know you have friends to talk to, however we have to keep to small groups so you may not be with all the people you were hoping for, we are really sorry but these groups can't now be changed, but we know you will have a fun week!
See you soon and take care,
Mrs A x