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Spring 2

We have been learning about simple compass directions, North South East and West.

We looked at the weather vane on top of Pendle School which shows the direction the wind is blowing from. We made our own weather vanes. These can be stuck in  the ground in the garden at home. Use  a simple compass which you can find on a mobile phone, align the North on the  orange base to the north on your compass then you can look at the arrow on a windy day and tell which direction the wind is blowing from.

When considering what the weather is like in Clitheroe , we have been keeping a daily record of the weather and temperature outside during the latter half of February and March to date. There has been a lot of rain.

We made a tally of the number of drainpipes and grids that we could find on the school building and in the school yards.

We plotted where the rain forms puddles in our school grounds on a map with some of the playground features. From the survey we concluded that there are more puddles on the KS1 playground than on the KS2 playground because there are lots more grids and drains.


We used Digimap tools to outline and label the countries of the United Kingdom. 

We had jigsaw pieces of the countries to cut out then assemble into the map of the UK. We uses Atlases and a Digimap map to help label the capital cities and surrounding seas.
