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Maths Home Learning

Summer Term 1, 2020


The Maths work this half term will consist of:


  • Daily TT Rock Stars practice (3-5 minutes a day)
  • Daily Maths lessons using the White Rose Home Learning website. There is a video to assist the children that can be watched before or during their activity. There are activity booklets, however they do not need to be printed out. The children can complete them in their home learning exercise books. There are also answer booklets for each lesson.


     Enjoy your Maths home learning, if you have any questions or want to send me some of your fantastic home learning please contact me directly using:


Hello 6A - just a reminder that you have a choice for maths - the white rose, or click on the folder below that says optional extension maths where you will find the similar sort of tasks I have chosen for you as before Easter - the next optional LBQ task will be on Friday, the code will appear here then as I have lots of messages that you enjoyed those 😊 take care - missing you all Mrs A x

Optional LBQ task for today - you can do this instead of the white rose maths if you choose!

Please click the link below to access the White Rose maths lesson each day:

Optional Extension Maths Tasks for this week
