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Varjak Paw

The hero of our story, Varjak Paw, finds himself 'Outside' in the big city. Have a look at our paired description work:

Group discussion - what could the Ways of Jalal mean? We discussed and explored vocabulary in the text, predicting what could be meant by the vocabulary used.

World Book Day 2021

We are spending the week exploring the wordless book 'Tuesday'

We created our own sequels to the book 'Tuesday':

The children had to explain and justify the order of the story using clues in the pictures.

Archie's War

Autumn 2

Exploring the character of Archie Albright

Children in 6A have enjoyed exploring this half term's book - Archie's War which links to our learning in History about World War One

Archie's War

The Nowhere Emporium - Autumn 1

Non-Chronological reports - our cities of wonder

Gathering Information for Non-Chronological Reports - Popplets

We created our own Books of Wonder based on our class novel 'The Nowhere Emporium'
