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Autumn 2 Christianity

In 1D we have been getting more excited about Christmas time by learning the story of the Nativity. Mrs Hind was the narrator and the children acted out the story - sorry no photographs of this, our  little photographer had trouble editing.

 The children enjoyed sequencing the story, making a stable and singing Away in a Manger.

We have been thinking what `Jesus is the Light`means to Christian people.

After looking at torches, bulbs and candles the children played a game where one of their friends had to direct them to show the right way. Then we made paper lanterns to display in class.



Interfaith Week 2021. After exploring lots of different faiths with Mrs Hind, we created our own piece to exhibit within the hall. We looked at all the different year groups art and talked about what we liked.

Making our display thinking about people all over the world.

Interfaith Week

Still image for this video

Interfaith Week. We had a very special Jewish Faith visitor within 1D. We learnt lots about Judaism and the Jewish festIval Hanukkah.

This half term our Christianity learning will focus on - Why do Christians say that Jesus is the `light of the world`?

