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Amessage from Mrs Keighley

Hello Everyone,

Thank you to all of you who read my message last week and answered the questions,well done!
One night 🌙 this week I was fast asleep in my bed, dreaming of Farmer Pete counting his sheep, I hope you sing this to your grown-ups, I think they'll enjoy it . Then, something woke me up, a noise, in the space above my bedroom. It was a scratch ,scratch ,scratch and a scutter,scutter,scutter. What could it be?
I remembered hearing the same sound a long time ago,it was a family of mice having a party in my loft. So... I bought some special plugs that make a shrill sound that people and other animals can't hear but mice really don't like and so they packed their bags and left.....
But now they're back!
What could I do?
So ....I sent for some mouse traps, no, don't worry they are called humane traps, they look like little plastic tunnels with a little trap door at one end. The instructions said put a piece of the mouse's favourite food in the end so that the mouse will run in to get the food ,it would stand on the trap door which would quickly shut and trap the mouse inside.
You won't be able to guess what their favourite food not cheese, chocolate digestives! Wait until next week to find out what happened, the photographs will give you a clue.

Lots of love,

Mrs Keighley xx
