Home Page


Well done Y5/6W.

We have reached the end of of what has been a very unusual few months. It`s now time to relax and enjoy the Summer and prepare for returning to school in September.

The class page is also having a rest and so is the home learning website!


Have a lovely Summer holiday and come and say hello if you see me around.


 It`s A WOOF WOOF from Maisie and a BYE from me.


Our very popular Pendle Proms has become a virtual event this year and has been so successful and our film so huge that we can't embed it on the page! Instead, follow this link to check it out

If you want to keep up with Maisie and Cuddles then go to the purple splat at the top of the page.

Another little message from all of us...

Still image for this video

A bit of fun...

Still image for this video

Team Pendle

Still image for this video