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Y4 Plants

Week 6

This week we went to Plant World. We saw many different varieties of plants and investigated variation and evolution.

Week 5

This week we have been investigating 'floating gardens'. We have been trying to design and make a garden that would survive in a flood to provide food for people to eat.

Week 4

This week we have been finding out about seed dispersal. We tested balloon seed pods to see how far the seeds in an exploding seed pod can travel.


We made seed spinners and tested them on the yard to see how far they could travel when they caught the wind. We had fun watching them move!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Week 2

We looked at the different parts of a plant and their functions.


We placed celery in coloured water to demonstrate how the 'tubes' transport water and nutrients along the stem of the plant.


We have removed the leaves from one side of a plant to see if it makes a difference to the other leaves. So far, we have seen new leaves sprouting. 


Week 1

We have been finding out about plants and their uses. We tried to order our ideas from the most important use for a plant to the least important use. This caused a good deal of discussion and we shared our ideas. 
