Thursday was spent with Mrs Govender where the children studied all things Australian.
On the Wednesday of World Cup Week 2/1 S spent the day with Miss Lancaster in Brazil!
Rainforest frog
Carnival masks
The 'awesome' Travelling by Tuba!
Carnival drums, carnival time!
On Tuesday during World Cup Week 2/1S went to Miss Rea's class where the country being focused on was Japan.
Salt Painting
We kicked off World cup week in 2/1 S by learning about one of the countries taking part in football tournament, namely France.
We looked at Google Earth to find the location of France. We discussed it's size and climate with reference to the U.K. We discussed the possible ways to travel to France including via the channel tunnel and by Ferry. We looked at images from around the country including Eurodisney, the Alps, the French Riviera, the vinyards, the German influenced houses in Alsace and the capital city Paris.
We then went out to do some Crossfit exercises on the KS1 school field
We played boules
We sang some french songs and greetings which we practised.
The Eifel Tower challenge
We found the Louvre on Google Earth where the world famous Mona Lisa is securely displayed then looked art the work of a famous French artist, Henri Matisse. We created our own colourful seaside themed montages in his style using techniques of layering and bold colour.
We went up to the hall to take part in some Martial Arts, the children were very energetic!
We ended the day sampling croissants and baguettes with strawberry jam and a drink of orange juice in our French cafe.
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