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Week 8 01/06/20

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Functions of parts of a plant

Look around your house, garden or on your daily walk. What plants can you see? Take photos of the plants or make sketches. How are they the same? How are they different? Make an annotated drawing of a plant or use the attached worksheet. Label the parts and where possible, state their function.



A local study

This half term we are studying our local area. First of all, using an atlas, Google Earth or Digimaps, can you find our country? Then can you find our county, our town and other local towns around? From there, can you find your house, your school and other key points of interest?  What features can you see? Which are physical (natural) and which are made by man (human)?

Either, create a map showing some of the key features close to your home or create a chart of human and physical features. See attached sheet. 


*If you can’t remember your Digimaps login, please get in touch via email.



This term we are going to make a protective home for a plant. This shelter will need to protect a plant from extreme weather whilst allowing for the needs of the plant to thrive.

As a start, investigate a range of structures by watching the PowerPoint presentation. Discuss aspects of these shelters with your family including:

  • What materials have been used to build the shelter?
  • How has the shelter been made?
  • Why has the shelter been made this way?
  • What are the different parts called? eg frame, canopy
  • What do the different parts do?
  • Who will use the shelter?
  • Who needs shelter?
  • Which constructions are the strongest?

Choose a shelter to draw, label the key parts and to explain the use.



Complete the following music lesson on the BBC:

Investigate the term dynamics. Scroll down to complete the other activities in this lesson too.



Consider your responsibilities. Watch the PowerPoint for ideas. Then, create your own responsibility tree or use the one provided and add labels to show the ways in which you are responsible.


Christianity – What makes a good leader?

Play follow the leader with members of your family. Think about people that you know that are good leaders. This can be someone from school, a local club, a team captain or a world leader. Decide what qualities these people have that make them good leaders (not looks or clothes). Research your leader with an adult if needed. Either, stick a picture of your leader in the middle of the page and write captions about their leadership qualities round it, or make a PowerPoint presentation about the celebrity’s leadership qualities.