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Today's Maths starter is going to be rehearsing counting in steps of 3 from 0. We are going to get active and join in with the BBC Supermovers character Professor Pipette. 

We are then going to recap our learning by looking at a selection of two-digit numbers (tens, ones) and recognising the place value of each digit. At home try playing Place Value Basketball using the following link  select 'Numbers up to 99'

We are then going to explore adding three one-digit numbers. Adult to state three one digit numbers and then these are to be added together, for example 7 + 9 + 4 =.

If appropriate move onto adding a two-digit number and a ones number, for example 45 + 7 =




This half term we we will be designing and making a product with a simple circuit and a bulb. In class we will discuss the idea that circuits and batteries haven’t always been around. Watch the following clip  The clip shows the first battery made by Alessandro Volta. Discuss how a modern battery looks very different to the battery Alessandro created. The children will then record key facts about Alessandro Volta.




Today in SPAG 'Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar'  we are learning about conjunctions for time such as when, before, after. For example, E.g. Paddington felt anxious when he heard Mrs Bird approach.Can you think of sentences including the conjunctions in bold font?

We are then going to compose a text message/letter to Aunt Lucy. We are going to try to include conjunctions for time. We will mention the journey, the arrival and the Brown family.

