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Valuing Differences & Anti Bullying Week

We looked at different relationships. We thought about our families and other types of families such as adopted or foster families. We discussed the importance of family and friends and how they can make us feel safe and happy. We each completed the statement 'A really special person to me is......because.......

We focussed on teamwork and listening and responding respectfully. We created a game, went outside to play it and then taught the game to others.

We thought about the ways in which we are all different and unique. We are all same in some ways but different in others. We created a hand to demonstrate 5 ways in which we are unique. We then created a wreath to display and celebrate our achievements.

We discussed the ways in which people can be different. We discussed religion, cultural differences, gender etc. We then watched The Ugly Duckling by Danish author Hans Christian Anderson. We thought about the way he was treated physically and verbally. We then 'freeze framed' moments in the story.
