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Summer 2


Week 3 

Mrs Schofield's Sandwich Shop

We split into groups. Each group had a different task to complete.

1. Fantasy Sandwich - This group had to look at other healthy sandwiches and design a new possible product for the shop.

2. Logo - This group had to design a new logo for our shop using the iPads.

3. Deconstruction- This group had to pull apart an existing sandwich to examine the contents.

4. Sandwich Testing - This group had to learn safe techniques for cutting and grating. They made samples that we all tested. Yummy!

5. Food Wrapping- This group tested a variety of wrappers for sandwiches. They had to choose a wrapper that would be better for the environment too.


Week 2

This week we investigated healthy eating. We looked at food types and portions. 


Then we looked at a range of bread types to see which were popular with our class. We investigated the smell, the texture, the taste and the ingredients.
