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Summer 1: Marvellous Minibeasts

Week 6

An end of term ice lolly treat!

Very busy but fun afternoon with our grown-ups for our summer stay and play session! What a treat! Thank you so much for coming into our classroom.

We had a phone call from a very angry lady who had been stung by a bee and thought that all bees needed to be gotten rid of immediately. We made honey sandwiches to remind ourselves why honey is so important and to have a special surprise to share with our grown-ups during stay and play this afternoon.

We are busy bees!

Week 5

Artwork inspired by Henry Matisse! The children practised many skills, including tearing, drawing a spiral and creating artwork in the style of a well known artist. A super opportunity to demonstrate our class value, Creativity!

Our method to create our shells...

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Lots of busy children during Busy Bee / Guided Reading time!

Following on from our discussions about our own special places, we spoke about our special world and explored although Christians and Jews have different holy books, they believe in the same story of Creation.

Week 4

Our focus within People, Culture and Communities is “Our Special World.” We drew places that are special to us and spoke about what makes them special. We also recognised that even though our special place may be different to somebody else’s, it is still special.

Ted wants a pet spider... can we teach him all about them?

Poor Incy Wincy keeps getting washed out by the rain... can we test materials to see which would make the best roof for a shelter?

Learning about butterfly life cycles.

Using measuring worms to compare lengths in the wildlife garden.

Measuring length using non standard objects.

Superstar writers!

Lots of fun during Forest Thursday... we always end up with some interesting photos when the children are on iPad duty!

Week 3 👑

An RZ Coronation... Part 1 👑

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An RZ Coronation... Part 2 👑

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An RZ Coronation... Part 3! 👑

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If I was King or Queen...

3 colour repeating patterns to make our crowns!

A very royal coronation lunch!

Baking and decorating crown shaped biscuits! (Thank you to our super photographer, Charlie!)

Week 2 🪱🐛🐝🦋🐞🦟

We have enjoyed exploring wood and sticks. We compared sticks and thought about the similarities and differences. We painted with sticks, built wooden models and collected sticks to make minibeast homes.

We are very lucky to have had a visit from local artist, Frankie Freeman (or very excitingly to the children, Charlie’s Nana!) Frankie taught us a printing skill, using potatoes and then using cotton buds to add details. She helped us to focus on skills like symmetry, representing the shapes of the body and antennae and focusing on where on our tree to paint each animal. We all did a fantastic job and were very grateful for Frankie’s time and help!

Tina and her son Aaron came into school to visit us and talk about hearing dogs for deaf people. Ellie is a hearing dog to help Aaron who is profoundly deaf. She is an assistance dog.

Marvellous Minibeasts! I think the children are going to enjoy this topic... they have already shared so much of their knowledge!

Week 1 🙏🏽 

We went exploring and collecting in the wildlife garden. It was a lovely spring afternoon.

Mrs Long appeared with a big box which was going to be thrown in the bin and asked if we could make use of it... within 10 minutes it had been a boat, bus, house and a special spinning machine!

Super special spinning machine! You can imagine how long this kept us entertained for!

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Is Easter all about chocolate and the Easter bunny? We have been learning why Easter is important to Christians and why the cross is an special symbol.
