'This is Me!' theme day
I am Fantastic - Achievement Audit
We started our PHSE theme day thinking about something we are really good at. We thought about our achievements both in and out of school and shared our ideas with the class. For example, a sporting achievement, making a new friend or improving in our spelling test results.
We then thought of something we could improve on and shared our ideas, such as presentation in our books at school, becoming faster at swimming or trying to follow instructions carefully. We thought about strategies we could use to help us improve.
We then completed an Achievement Audit including, something I am good at, something I have achieved, something I can improve and how I can improve this. We enjoyed sharing our ideas with the class.
I am Fantastic Portrait
Following on from the prior session where we acknowledged our achievements and thought about our goals and ambitions for the future. We discussed personal qualities and characteristics. The children complimented each other and said positive attributes about those around them. They then created their own self portrait using watercolour skills from this half terms art topic. The children then listed adjectives around the portrait to describe what makes them such a fantastic person, for example: I am thoughtful, helpful, kind, generous and a good listener.