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Summer 1

States of matter


This half term we are learning all about states of matter.


Week 5


No Science - due to Bank Holiday.

Week 4


This week we continued our topic on the three states of matter. We found out about the water cycle, what happens and how evaporation is linked to precipitation. We discussed instances where we have observed evaporation in action, puddles on the playground disappearing and wet clothes drying.

We conducted an investigation using a wet hand print on a paper towel. We recorded the size of the hand print initially, then after 5 minute intervals. We then took our learning outside. We labelled a plan of the school and then recorded the temperature in different locations using data logging equipment. We then evaluated our findings and gave reasons as to why some locations were warmer or cooler than others.


Week 3


An Investigation using Helium Balloons


This week we used helium balloons to explore creating a ‘flinker’. We worked in pairs and explored adding different masses in specially designed holders to helium balloons. The aim was to ensure the balloon didn’t float to the ceiling or sink to the floor but ‘flinked’ in the middle.

We selected our own materials to make our design e.g. straws, lolly sticks, paper, card, pegs, felt and cotton reels. It was so much fun experimenting with our designs and making modifications during the experimentation process.

Week 2


Viscosity Races – Investigating the Flow of Liquids


This week we conducted an investigation to test the viscosity of a variety of liquids. We discussed how the rate at which different fluids flow varies considerably. We found out the resistance to flow is called 'viscosity'. We decided to have timed liquid races to test the rates of flow!

We tested whole milk, ketchup, raspberry sauce, orange juice and olive oil. We made our predictions, listed the equipment and explained how we were going to ensure the test was fair. We then tested how long it took each liquid to reach the end of a ramp. Some were very fast, some incredibly slow!


Can you guess which was the fastest and which was the slowest?

Week 1


This week we started our 'States of Matter' topic. We investigated shaving foam, cooking salt, golden syrup, toothpaste and cotton wool. We examined what it looked like, felt like and moved like. We then decided whether we thought it was a solid, liquid or gas.


Here are some of the properties of the three States of Matter:


Solids: Solids stay in one place and can be held. Solids keep their shape. They do not flow like liquids. Solids always take up the same amount of space. They do not spread out like gases. Solids can be cut or shaped. Even though they can be poured, sugar, salt and flour are all solids. Each particle of salt, for example, keeps the same shape and volume.


Liquids: Liquids can flow or be poured easily. They are not easy to hold. Liquids change their shape depending on the container they are in. Even when liquids change their shape, they always take up the same amount of space. Their volume stays the same.


Gases: Gases are often invisible. Gases do not have a fixed shape. They spread out and change their shape and volume to fill up whatever container they are in. Gases can be squashed.


We also found out about the particle arrangement and properties of the three States of Matter. We completed tables to record this.


We then thought of examples for each State of Matter and chose how to record this.
