This half term we are learning all about rivers.
Week 5
We concluded our topic this week by going on a walk along the River Ribble. We had an amazing time! We followed a route on a map and took 'Canal and River Trust' Spotter Guides to help us identify the wildlife and flowers we saw along the way. It was a beautiful sunny day and we observed so many features we have found out about during our river topic. We saw tributaries, the river meander, the river bank and bed and an area of floodplain. We were lucky to see lots of wildlife too including a grey heron. We stopped along the route to sketch, identify where we were on the map and to take photographs and videos using the iPads.
Week 4
This week we talked about bodies of water. A body of water or waterbody is any significant accumulation of water, generally on a planet's surface. The term most often refers to oceans, seas, and lakes, but it includes smaller pools of water such as ponds, wetlands, or more rarely, puddles! We watched two short videos about reservoirs and lakes and discussed the geographical features of both. We then researched a variety of bodies of water in groups using IPads. We recorded our findings and worked really cooperatively in our groups, well done children!
Week 2
This week we have explored parts of a river. We researched the Canal and River Trust 'All About Rivers' leaflet and other sources of information. We discovered where rivers come from and the three sections of a river including the characteristics. Some of us then went on a hunt and observed water use around school, we recorded what we found by taking photographs using the iPad. We looked outside into the school grounds. We looked at where water collect sand where does it goes. Once back in the classroom the children recorded illustrations of water use around school.
Week 1
We started our topic by discussing what we know about rivers. We remembered some of the vocabulary we researched during our dictionary work in English earlier this week. We then completed some of a KWL grid. We listed what we know, what we want to know and how we are going to find out. We will complete what we have found out towards the end of the topic.