STEM day was a huge success for 1RL and RGC! We had an engineering mission to build the tallest, freestanding tower using just balloons and masking tape in a set amount of time. The children worked incredibly hard in teams. One team managed to build a tower that was 120m tall! The children also worked in pairs to design and build a new espace route for Rapunzel using only a few materials. The teamwork, effort and communication that took place during this activity was fantastic. In the afternoon the children worked with Mrs Govender investigating ‘cannon balls’ and catapults. They had to predict and test which cannon ball made the biggest splash. An exciting, fun day with lots of learning involved. We are very proud of all the children!!!! Well done 1RL and RGC.
As part of STEM Week (Science, Engineering, Technology and Maths) we have been dissolving different sugars. This involved lots of predicting, observing, describing and encouraging accurate vocabulary. We are looking forward to lots more STEM activites on Friday.