Lots of children from 3P have entered into the British Science Asssociation's annual poster competition. The theme this year is journeys. The five best posters in school will be entered into the UK competition with the chance to win an array of super prizes! Good luck to all children who have entered. Here are a few examples from 3P.
Week 5
Today we found out about magnets. To start the lesson we completed a KWL grid. First of all we listed what we already know about magnets, what we want to know and finally what we we found out.
We were then involved in a practical group activity. Our task was to test a range of items and sort them on a Venn diagram according to whether they were magnetic, non magnetic or both.
Week 4
This week we continued learning about forces, in particular pushes and pulls. We found out about
Rube Goldberg machines. These are machines intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect way. We looked at a Wallace and Gromit manual and studied the designs. Some were really funny and were designed to complete some very unusual tasks!
We then designed our own machines and described how they operated.
Week 3
We discovered this week is British Science Week. A celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths! To follow on with our forces topic we discussed how a paper aeroplane, glider and helicopter fall to the ground much more slowly and gracefully than a scrunched-up piece of paper. We discovered this is because of the forces generated by air pressing on and moving over the surface of the paper. Today we saw this in action by creating our own paper aeroplane, glider and helicopter. We took our learning outside, sent them on a journey and observed how they flew! We now know that real aircraft behave in very similar ways to the gliders and paper planes we made but it is also the powerful engines that keep pushing them through the air, and this is how they stay up. We made paper aeroplanes with weighted noses and some without weights and we made gliders of two different lengths, 20 cm and 40 cm. We made predictions then tested both to see which travelled the furthest. We then recorded our observations.
Week 2
Friction Science Investigation
We conducted an Investigation to find out the answer to the question: ‘Does the surface of a ramp make a difference to the distance a toy car can travel?’ We tested 5 different ramp surfaces, rubber, perspex, sandpaper, corrugated card and carpet.
We know that to be Scientific we need to be accurate and we know the importance of a ‘fair’ test.
We know we must keep some things the same but change others. These are called variables.
We made our own predictions, conducted the investigation and then interpreted the results before writing our conclusions.
Week 1
We started our new topic by playing a game called “Furious Forces.” We worked in small groups and were given a bag of objects, such as a foam ball, peg, string, calculator and scissors to name a few. We were then timed to think of as many verbs as possible to describe a force acting on the objects for example, twist, press and stretch. We discovered all the forces could be divided into either a push or a pull. We then thought of our own examples of pushes and pulls and those actions that can be both.