Week 3
Week 2
Week 1
This week, we are introducing parts of the body in French and playing “Jacques a dit” (Simon Says)
We are learning how to sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” in French. The tune is the same as in English, and the French words are below. For each body part mentioned, touch that part as you sing. See how fast you can sing it!
La tête, les épaules, les genoux, les orteils (Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)
La tête, les épaules, les genoux, les orteils (Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)
La tête, les épaules, les genoux, les orteils. (2x) (Head, shoulders, knees and toes)
Les yeux, les oreilles, la bouche, le nez. (Eyes, ears, mouth and nose)
La tête, les épaules, les genoux, les orteils. (Head, shoulders, knees and toes)