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Spring 2

Creating arrays.

The children have been solving division problems using sharing.

How many bears are in each cave? The children have been sharing to find out.

The children have been using the part-part whole model to find half of a number.

What would you buy from our shop? Do you have the correct amount of coins? Do you need any change?

We have been solving subtraction problems using the part-part whole model.

The children have enjoyed playing the exchange game. They had to exchange 1 ten stick for 10 ones so they could subtract the number they rolled. Who will be the first to have no ones left?

The children have been solving subtraction problems.

The children have been using base to subtract bridging the tens. They had to exchange 1 ten for 10 ones. 32-5= ?

We have been adding two numbers together. When the number bridged 10 we exchanged the 10 ones for 1 ten.

The children had to order the toys according to their mass. Which one is the heaviest?

We have been estimating and measuring the mass of a selection of objects using grams and kilograms.
