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Spring 2


The Anglo-Saxons came to England after the Romans in the year 410. Nobody was really ruling all of England at the time – there were a lot of little kingdoms ruled by Anglo-Saxons that eventually came together as one country. 

We debated what it was that made the Saxon invade England. We asked were they pushed? Influenced by factors in their home lands such as flooding and a poor climate. Or were they pulled? Influenced and enticed by factors such as a chance of power, rich fertile land or were they simply invited over? 

As part of our historical enquiry we posed the question- why was Alfred the Great deemed great? We researched and debated what did the Saxon king do that made him one of only two kings to have received the title ‘great.’

As part of our historical enquiry we used historical evidence to help support us with our hypothesis. We closely observed these images to discuss and help support us in answering the enquiry question. 

This week we were Anglo Saxon spies. We heard the Vikings were coming to invade via long boats. We had to be super stealthy and look at the clues that were hidden within the wildlife garden we found out so much about how they would invade, how they got to the Uk and what weapons and armour the Vikings would have. 
