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Spring 1:Animals All Around

Week 5

5th - 9th Feb

Exploring eggs! We have talked about how eggs can be different sizes, shapes and colours! The children then sorted animals based on whether it lays eggs or not.

The children was fascinated to see a blackbird eating an apple outside!

We loved learning about Sparkle, Turbo and Gaston who visited RZ for the day. Thank you.

We have been baking bread with Mrs Hailwood. Mmmm, it smelled delicious.

Length! We have used play dough to make worms longer, shorter and equal to the measuring worms.

Week 4

29th Jan - 2nd Feb

Describing, comparing and measuring weight.

Thank you Mrs Peel for coming into class to tell us all about your animals!

We loved our Zoo Lab visit! The children asked super questions and have been so excited to tell me all about it ever since! Thank you FOPS and families for subsidising this fantastic experience for the children.

Week 3

22nd - 26th January

Explorer Ellie sent us some riddles! We worked hard to read the clue and created our own riddle for Ellie Explorer to read.

Exploring animal prints and patterns. The children looked closely at their chosen animal to carefully select their paint and the appropriate tool to create the print or pattern effect.

We have been exploring maps. Who uses a map and what might different symbols mean? The children had a challenge to make their own map for a zoo! We were excellent at talking about our maps, describing what the symbols meant and telling somebody how to follow our map. The children also made their own maps during provision time!

We looked at photographs of rainforests. We saw tall trees and twisty trees. We made tall and twisty shapes with our bodies before bending, twisting, scrunching paper to make our rainforest inspired collages.

Super story tellers!

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Super retelling!

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We have had some special visitors today! These are aliens from the planet of Super Learners! They are experts at learning! They have been looking out for children showing they can be a super learner too! These are our way of promoting the 'Characteristics of Effective Learning' which are an important part of the Early Years Framework.

The Super Learner aliens have been observing us as we have been very busy this afternoon! F came to me and said, "I'm testing things! I'm testing to see which things are shiny in the water tray!" A ventured into an area he doesn't usually explore, the funky fingers area, and appeared with a super snowman he had spent time focussed on to create! I think the Super Learners will be bringing some of their friends with them tomorrow to see how incredible we are at learning!

Ask your child about this week's ninja words!

Representing numbers to 20 using 2 tens frames.

We are now able to design and label our models before building them!

We have got stuck straight into this week’s star writer challenge!

Week 2

15th - 19th January

This week’s star writer!

Exploring melting. We have explored what happens when we hold different items in our hands for 2 minutes. The children used words like “runny” “sticky” and “gloopy” to describe items that melted. They used words such as “solid” and “hard” to describe items that didn’t melt.

After chocolate was very slow to melt in A’s cold hands, A said “it might melt quickly if I put it in my mouth.” This of course resulted in all the children having a challenge to see how long it took their chocolate to melt on their tongue without biting it! We noticed that the chocolate did melt quicker in our mouths compared to on our hands.

In Maths, we have been using a part part whole model to partition amounts.

Super partitioning!

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We had so much fun in the snow today!

We have been making bird seed cakes to feed the birds in winter. We are hoping to see some birds eating the food.

Our Ninja Words this week!

Week 1

8th - 12th January

This week’s star writer! I was so proud of how focussed you were!

In Music, our focus was action songs! We spoke about why actions in songs are important, watched some Makaton songs to see if we could work out what the signs meant and then we made our own signs for verses of “If you’re happy and you know it.”

Makaton - ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR BOAT - Singing Hands

Singing Hands have some lovely songs with Makaton actions. The children enjoyed watching these on mute and predicting what the song may be about! You could have a go at home too.

We are working on writing recognisable letters in our sentences. I am so proud of the resilience and independence on our first week back.

In PE, we have been learning we can travel on hands and feet. We pretended to be different animals in the jungle!

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We practised our travelling skills to see if the rest of the group could guess which animal we were.

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We have been comparing amounts to numbers to 10. We sorted groups of objects into more or fewer than 10.

We listened to Shirley Hughes’ poem, “Cold” and innovated a shared part of the poem... warm coats, woolly hats, snow falling and frosty snowman!

As we listened to the story, we realised our penguin was lonely! We drew some friends for the penguin and had a special challenge to write a name for our penguin.

A penguin arrived at the door! Why was he here? The children made predictions and wondered if he was lost, lonely or wanted to come and be our friend! We read the story he had brought with him.

This week's Ninja Words!
