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Spring 1


Week Beginning 03/02/20

We are going to start writing the date in Roman Numerals in our Maths books. Today we have explored Roman Numerals in preparation and played Roman Numeral bingo!

Describing, extending and creating number sequences.


Week Beginning 27/01/20

Exploring weights and measuring/comparing the mass of objects


Week Beginning 20/01/20

Exploring division as sharing and grouping.

Investigating multiplication and division through arrays

Outdoor Warm Up - Fractions of amounts 'Loop Card Dash'

Outdoor Warm Up - Counting in multiples of 100

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Outdoor Warm Up - Counting in multiples of 50

Still image for this video


Week Beginning 13/01/20

Exploring Fraction Strips


Week Beginning 06/01/20

Place Value - Finding 1, 10 or 100 more/less than a number

Outdoor Warm up - Ordering numbers up to 1000 in groups
