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Spring 1

Week 1 - spellings - numbers as words, reciting the 5 times table and reading comprehension.

Week 2 - spellings - space related words reciting the 2 and 5 times table and money totals in maths. 

Week 3 - spellings - spellings - contracted words, choice grid, reciting the 2 and 5 times table.

Week 4 - maths - multiplication as arrays, spellings - silent k and n, count on and back in

steps of 2.

Week 5 - English - to create a safety poster, spellings - tricky words in the style of Word Art, count on and back in 5s. 

Week 6 - Maths - rounding a two digit number to the nearest 10, spellings - adding ing to verbs, learn and recite 2, 5 and 10 times table 
