This half term we are going to be learning about Sculpture.
Week 6
This week we are making 'Land Art'. In pairs, we will be using natural materials to create Goldsworthy style land art. We will be making choices about pattern and colour and using a range of materials. Watch this space for photographs of our work.
Week 5
PSHCE theme day
Week 4
This week we found out about an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. Andy Goldsworthy OBE is a British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist who produces sculptures and land art situated in natural and urban settings. He lives and works in Scotland. The main influence for his work is nature.
Week 3
This week we looked at the sculpture artist Henry Moore. Like many of us, Henry Moore would pick up interesting stones, shells and sticks when he went for walks in the countryside. He took these back to his studio and used their shapes and textures to inspire the shapes and textures of his sculptures. He said:
'I have found the principles of form and rhythm from the study of natural objects…pebbles and rocks show nature’s way of working stone.'
Today we made our own 'Maquette' using pebbles and then created observational drawings. A maquette is a a sculptor's small preliminary model or sketch. We really enjoyed looking at each others creations and deciding what they reminded us of. What wonderful imaginations we have!
Week 2
This week we examined sculpture in the local area. We looked at The Ribble Valley Sculpture Trail at Brungerley Park.
The Ribble Valley Sculpture Trail was launched in 1993. The trail was the first of its kind to be established in Lancashire. It includes over 20 permanent works of art. The trail travels through Brungerley Park and Cross Hill Quarry, a local nature reserve.
We explored each sculpture, looking at the names of the artwork, the names of the artists who created them and what each sculpture was made from. We then discussed ideas for a new sculpture and thought of our own. We recorded our ideas through illustration and described who our sculpture would most appeal to. We also decided upon a name for our sculpture and the material it would be made from.
Week 1
On Tuesday we discovered that the art term Sculpture refers to three-dimensional art made by one of four basic processes: carving, modelling, casting, constructing. We examined nine varied sculptures and discussed each. We talked about form, shape, colour, markings and pattern. We discussed what we liked and disliked about each and recorded which sculpture we thought was most and least effective and why.