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Spring 1

Innovating the story ‘The Man on the Moon’.

Finding the important information and making notes for our space fact file.

SPAG - adding the suffix ed.

We are creating a fact page about space. We have been making notes about the moon.

SPAG - we have been adding s or es to nouns to create plurals.

Sequencing the story ‘The Man on the Moon’.

Writing true and false statements about our story ‘The Man on the Moon’.

The children chose a word from out text and then spun the vocabulary spinner. Will you act out the word, explain what it means or clap the syllables?

Acting out the words.

We found out book, Man on the Moon, inside the paper parcel.

We found a spaceship, a space logbook, two aliens and an astronauts space suit. There was also a brown paper package. What could it be?

Some strange footprints had been left in our classroom. They were leading to a mysterious golden cover. We could not wait to find out what it could be.
