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Spring 1

What is the missing number?

Representing numbers in different ways. We learnt how to draw numbers using ‘rods and dots’

Outdoor Maths

Today we took our learning outdoors. Stopwatches, recording sheets and a partner was all we needed. The children learnt how to use the stopwatches and worked with their partner to record the number of exercises achieved in 10 seconds.

We made numbers using base 10 before adding 10 more. We have played games to help support our understanding, and answered word problems to deepen our learning.

Comparing numbers using more than/equal to/fewer than

Jump and count...we have been thinking about what happens to our numbers when we cross over from numbers which end in 9. We used base 10 to help us visualise the number.

Recapping subtraction using a part whole model...

We created coin rubbings and have explored the value of coins. We can describe the coins features and have begun to find different ways to make the amounts. 

We have been developing our understanding of coins. We sorted the coins into different categories...
