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Give it a Go


Give it a Go has been a very successful themed day in 1RL. We discussed taking risks and setting ourself challenges. We said that we need to try things and have an ‘I can’ attitude. We also discussed basic rules and responsibility. RGC joined us to set some rules for the outdoor classroom - we shared and agreed our ideas. We will display our posters in the outdoor area. 

Life Education


We loved our session in the Life Education Bus today. The children got to meet Harold the Giraffe. We discussed our bodies and different ways to stay healthy including eating a range different foods such as calcium and protein as well getting as good nights sleep. We also discussed friendships and how to resolve situations by saying sorry. 



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Better to be Safe than Sorry!


The day focused on how to stay safe in the house, at school and on the internet. We also discussed who we can talk to if we are feeling worried. 

Anti-Bullying afternoon


We wore odd socks to show that it is good to be different. 

Charity Day - Guide Dogs


Charity Day was a huge success in 1/RL! The children took part in many different activities throughout the day that made them think about how special and important the Guide Dog charity is. The children explored their 5 senses; their sense of smell by guessing the food whilst being blindfolded, their sense of touch by creating a texture hand and describing how each material felt, their sense of hearing by making and using musical instruments, their sense of sight by writing their name and drawing a picture whilst blindfolded and their sense of taste by eating yummy cakes! Thank you for all your donations! 


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