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Mindfulness Club

Making keychains and bracelets.

Playdough fun!

Mindfulness Colouring.

Easter Egg Hunt in the Wildlife Garden 🐣 

Flower Breathing 🌸


This week we practised Flower Breathing. We went into the Wildlife Garden and tried it out with our friends. We then enjoyed the fresh air, exploring nature and playing games.


Bubble fun!


We went into the wildlife garden for some bubble fun! Blowing bubbles is great for learning to breathe deeply. We breathed in and out slowly and steadily through the bubble wand. We imagined any negative or anxious thoughts inside those bubbles. We watched as they floated away. 


Today we started our session watching 'Bubble Bounce', a mindful watching activity to relax and focus the mind.


Bubble Bounce



Get mindful - Gardening


Gardening encourages mindfulness. Digging and planting can make us focus on the task in hand and live in the moment. The physical activity of gardening boosts the feel-good hormones serotonin and dopamine, which help people to feel happy and relaxed. We planted hanging baskets to go at the front of school. 🌸

Spending time outside 


This week we went outside into the Wildlife Garden. We know it is proven that spending time outside helps make people feel better and can act as a mental reset when we need a break. Being aware of nature when we are outside is even better for us.

We enjoyed drawing, chatting, den building, exploring and even made some improvised bug hotels too. The children said this was the best session yet!

Meditation - Rainbow Waterfall 


This week we explored and enjoyed guided relaxation, we relaxed and once peaceful and calm we took a journey into a magical forest in our minds. Eventually we discovered a stream and followed it to the beautiful Rainbow Waterfall!


Mindfulness Music & Colouring 


This week we listened to mindfulness relaxing music. We enjoyed colouring personalised sheets and relaxing with our friends.

Positivity Pebble Pets

This week we made Positivity Pebble Pets, tiny enough to be placed into a pocket, with us whether we are having a happy or sad day. 

We made a 'Mind in a Jar'


The “Mind in a Jar” activity is a simple way to imagine our mind and thoughts. The jar represents the head/skull, the clear liquid is the brain and the glitter pieces are thoughts, ideas, memories and feelings. A jar with glitter resting on the bottom represents a mind that is calm and focused. When the jar is shaken up, the glitter starts swirling quickly, and it becomes difficult to see clearly. This is like the mind when there are too many thoughts and feelings making it difficult to think clearly. Setting the jar down, taking slow deep breathes and watching the swirling glitter settle, helps to refocus, calm and clear the mind. 
