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Summer 1

Children are working in small groups to support their learning.

Spring 2



Calculating the volume of cuboids.


Describing the difference between a cuboid and a cube

Constructing a cube from a net and describing its properties.

Constructing and describing the properties of a cube.



We are learning how to identify and measure angles this week. The children have been using protractors and a pair of compasses to draw accurate circles.

We are taking advantage of the recent good weather and the opportunity to work outdoors.



This half term we have started with division of 3 and 4 digit numbers by one digit. Some are tackling ling division too.

We also tried to quicken our mental addition skills using foamy dice to generate numbers.


Here we are warming our maths brains up by grouping numbers divisible by 4 5 and 25. The children had interesting ways of deciding this.


Remember to keep up with your weekly TTRs

Children should be completing all their set tasks by Thursday morning.
