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LBQ maths task - instructions to access

We will be setting two maths lesson per week using Learning By Questions (LBQ) tasks. This is available to download as an app via Google Play, children then just enter the code which will be posted by 9am on the days that lesson is set to access the tasks. If you are unable to download the app we will also post a QR code, which when scanned with a QR reader (lots available free to download or ipads/iphones have one built in if you look in the settings) will direct the children to the tasks using a web browser, where they then enter the code.



If you are unable to access LBQ tasks for any reason please use the home learning packs from White Rose Maths  which can be found under the extra resources tab.


The tasks will be available for the children to access on the day they are set according to the weekly maths plan between 9am -5pm, they will be unable to access them outside of these hours. The access codes and QR codes will be posted on the maths tab, the children are used to using these and should know what to do as we use them regularly in our maths lessons in school.
