Home Page

Home Learning

Thank You for supporting your child with their Home Learning! Each week, specific work is set which is to be completed each day. This can all be found on Purple Mash, and each day’s work is uploaded the day before. You will find:


  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Phonics 
  • Learning Choice Grid (Complete one activity from here each day)
  • Science

A weekly message and overview of upcoming tasks and Teams meetings will be uploaded to Purple Mash too.


Please regularly update us with photos of your child's home learning. It is great to see their hard work at home, and allows us to communicate and give feedback on their wonderful efforts! ( This is then uploaded to the "Wonderful Home Learning" page below.


You will have received login information for Numbots and Purple Mash - there will be links to these throughout the Home Learning. You can find plenty of support within the "Support for Grown Ups" section below, including how to use Purple Mash. The Home Learning email is also your port of call for all questions related to Home Learning. I will respond as quickly and as best I can - any urgent enquiries or questions which aren't related to Home Learning should be sent to the school office. 


Thank You for your support and enjoy watching the magic of your child's learning!

Reading Books


Oxford Owl is a great way to access Reading Books from home. You're free to explore as you wish, but I would recommend having a look at both the Read Write Inc Books, and the Oxford Owl eBook Library to find a book suitable for your child. Enjoy!

Support for Grown-ups
Below are some videos we enjoy watching in class. 

Reading and Phonics


Choose a book from the Oxford Owl website or Teach Your Monster to Read and enjoy a book with your child each day. Whilst not all children are confident readers just yet, recognising some letters in different words; looking at the pictures to suggest what may be happening and just enjoying the process of listening and discussing a book is a great way to encourage a love of reading. There are also plenty of Phonics games which allow us to practice all of our wonderful new Phonics learning.

Educational Games
Keeping Safe, Happy and Healthy

If your child enjoys any other websites which I have not listed, please share it with us so that other children can enjoy and learn from it too! 
