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Subject Leader- Debbie Mercer


At Pendle Primary School we believe learning Modern Foreign Languages raises the children’s awareness of the multilingual and multicultural world we live in and introduces an international dimension to pupils learning, giving them insight into their own culture and that of others. In addition, it helps them to develop communication skills, including the key skills of speaking and listening, and extends their knowledge of how language works.


Our aim at Pendle Primary School is to take advantage of young children’s receptivity to learning languages by providing all KS2 children with access to high quality teaching and learning of a Modern Foreign Language (MFL), which is currently French. To achieve this all classes are taught by a specialist teacher for a 45 minute lesson once per week. This ensuring that the children are hearing accurate pronunciation and intonation. In addition, each year group follows a set scheme of work with lessons tailored and adapted to suit the needs and interests of the children in each class, ensuring they are accessible to all.  The French curriculum follows a two year rolling program to take account of our mixed classes. This ensures smooth progression from year to year and a closely designed scheme of work which incorporates regular recapping for "sticky learning" and facilitates progression of concepts and skills. We use the Language Angels programme to help support and deliver our French lessons.


Our approach is to teach the four elements of language learning i.e. speaking, listening, reading, writing and intercultural understanding in an engaging and interactive manner. This includes the use of a variety of activities, songs, games, ict etc. All children are encouraged to play an active part in lessons in an environment that enables them to grow in confidence without concerns about speaking out in front of their peers. This also enables them to grow in confidence and ensures they are not afraid to mistakes.


In addition to the above children in Key Stage 1 are introduced to modern foreign languages incidentally e.g. through counting, greetings, songs etc. and participate in ‘taster sessions’ when the opportunity arises. There is also an extra-curricular opportunity, for all children to learn French through an after school club, Le Club Francais, run by a dedicated language specialist.
