A royal banquet in the wildlife garden.
We made rangoli patterns outside!
Last week, in celebration of Bonfire Night, we decided to make chocolate apples. We linked this to our science and explored solids and liquids, thinking about what happened to our chocolate when we heated it up, and again when we put it back on our apples. We shared these at Forest School. The children loved them! We then made our own bonfires, putting Guy Fawkes on top and sang a special bonfire song.
This week the children shared the story of the Leaf Man who blew away across the country and saw lots of things along the way. The children explored the wildlife garden collecting natural things to make their own pictures. We linked this to our maths and discussed using short sticks for the arms and longer sticks for the legs. The end products were amazing and the children worked together as such a team! We had a duck, a snowman and even an ostrich! Well done 1RL, what super learning and so much fun!