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Summer 2

Joining and Templates

Sharing our products with 2M

Making - I am so proud of the children and how they made their teddy’s clothes. Our amazing teddy’s jumpers or jackets.

Designing - we drew and labelled two designs and chose our favourite one.

Making templates.

We have been evaluating Teddy Bear's clothes. We had to consider if they had any fasteners, the type of fabric and if they had any embellishments.

Summer 1

Fruit and Vegetables.

We have been implementing the skills we practiced to make our fruit/veg salad. The children had to use their design to select the correct ingredients and the utensils they needed. We then ate our fruit/veg salad and evaluated them.

The children had a fantastic afternoon chopping, cutting, grating, peeling and juicing a selection of fruit and vegetables.

Be The Local chef Tom, owner of Tom’s Table, came to talk to the children about being a chef. The places he has been and the skills he has learnt. The children enjoyed listening to Tom and had lots of questions for Tom to answer.

We evaluated a range of salads and fruit salads considering the ingredients, the skills that had been used and how appealing they looked. The fruit salad only has two types of fruit, I would add more WS. They have grated the carrot and sliced the lettuce JC.

1RL joined us to taste a range of fruits and vegetables. We described the taste and texture- the pineapple is succulent OH, the grapefruit is sour SG, the beetroot is spongy EM.

We were joined by the year 1 children from 1RL. We looked at a range of fruits and vegetables discussing what they were called, how they felt and what they smelt like.

Autumn 2

Sliders and Levers

The children have been exploring a range of products that use sliders and levers. They identified the pivots used with levers.

Mrs Worsley showed us an example of a lever and a slider.

The children practised making a selection of sliders. Some that move up and down, some that move from left to right and some of the sliders used a guide.

We then made two levers using a split pin for the pivot.

The children have been planning their Great Fire of London storyboard incorporating a slider and a lever.

What fun we have had creating our Great Fire of London storyboards. Can you find what moves when we use our levers and sliders?

What fantastic storyboards!
