Friday 17th July 2020
Hello lovely people,
Well done my amazing class. You have made it to the end of term. I am so proud of each and every one of you. Make sure that you have a rest now, you have earned it. Happy holidays!
Stay safe and well,
Mrs S.
Thursday 16th July 2020
Hello lovely people,
It was lovely to see so many of you yesterday. Goodness me how you have grown. I was bouncing around school with joy after our time together. You all look ready for your new classes too.
Try to send in your message pictures for the class. I will add mine on Friday for our last day of learning from home.
Stay safe and well,
Mrs S.
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Hello lovely people,
You continue to amaze me. We are still in the lead for TT even in the last week of term and one member of our class has completed 50 games. I'm still smiling.
The first message photo has been sent in as well as some super work. I hope to see more messages before the end of the week too.
I'm also hoping to give you a wave and a smile as you collect your books before the end of term. Remember to stay socially distanced though.
See you soon,
Mrs S.
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Hello lovely people,
Only three more get ups to go. I can't believe how fast this term has gone. I still keep smiling at all of the lovely work that you have done in these strange times. You are amazing.
Please try to send in a message to the class. It would be nice to finish off as the dream team that we are.
Keep safe,
Mrs S.
Monday 13th July 2020
Friday 10th July 2020
Hello lovely people,
I am so proud of you. You have been sending in your scores for Sports Day. Thank you. It is nice to think of us all being a team taking part together.
As for our TT scores, once again we have completed more sessions than any other class. You are all so amazing. Thank you for this too.
We are adding fun activities for next week. Please join in before the holidays.
Have a nice weekend,
Mrs S.
Thursday 9th July 2020
Hello lovely people,
Bring on the challenge! Remember to send in your scores. We want to know how you do.I have already received some. Well done to those people who took part even in the rain.
Stay safe and have fun,
Mrs S.
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Hello lovely people,
How are we all? We really need some nice weather for Sports Day tomorrow.
Wow! Even at this late stage of the year you all continue to astound me. I am so proud of you. We are still in the lead for TT, ahead of all the other classes. One member of Year 3 has completed 100 games! Amazing skills. What a superstar! Keep it up 3/4S. You are my dream team.
I have still been trying to ring you but some of you aren't answering my calls. I have not forgotten you.
Stay safe and keep going,
Mrs S.
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Hello lovely people,
Please note that Sports Day has been postponed to Thursday due to the wet weather once again.
We are in the lead once again on TT. Well done, everyone. Can we stay in the lead until the end of term? Two of our class members have already completed over seventy games too. Super work, you two.
I have received some amazing photos yesterday. Excellent work and super skills. Well done to one of our Year 4 who has been very busy. Just brilliant.
Keep working hard,
Mrs S.
Friday 3rd July 2020
Hello lovely people,
It's Friday again. I can't believe how fast the weeks are going. Has anyone designed their DT structure? I'd love to see any plans.
How was the celery experiment? I have seen some of those in action. Send me some more too if you can.
5R are still one player ahead of us in TT this week. However, two of our players have completed over 60 games this week. Well done, I am very proud of you both.
I am hoping it won't be as wet this weekend and I hope to be able to go for a nice long walk.
Stay safe everyone,
Mrs S.
Thursday 2nd July 2020
Hello lovely people,
Unfortunately the weather is against us and our virtual sporting event has had to be postponed until next Tuesday. Well, it wouldn't be a Sports Day if we didn't have to move it for the weather really. It seems to happen most years.
We are now being beaten on TT by 5R. They have just one more person who has completed their games than us. Come on my superstars, put us in the lead again!
How are we all? Please get in touch if you would like a phone call.
Stay safe,
Mrs S.
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Hello lovely people,
Well you are still the dream team. We are still in the lead for TT but Year 6 are catching us up. If you haven't finished your games, please do.
Don't forget that tomorrow is Pendle's Virtual Sports Day. Which events will you choose? I will be joining in but I think your scores will be better than mine.
Stay safe and work hard,
Mrs S.
Tuesday 30th June 2020
You are all amazing! We are streets ahead of all of the other classes on TT. 11 members of the class have already completed their games. If there are 33 students in our class, what fraction have finished? Use your maths skills to work it out.
I have been looking at the leaderboard too. Some of our class members are now in the top 10 and some are in the top 20 on the whole school leaderboard. Outstanding work. You truly are such a dream team. Come on everyone else. We need to stay ahead of the others.
I am crossing my fingers that it will stop raining for Thursday's sport.
Keep working hard,
Mrs S.
Friday 26th June 2020
Hello lovely people,
You have all made my day. We are still in the lead on TT. I am so proud of you. There are only 7 people that haven't started their sessions this week. Come on the last few of you, try to complete your games.
I really haven't heard from very many of you this week. I hope that you are all well and working hard. I do keep trying to ring many of you too. However, I am not getting much response here either. This is probably due to the fact I am ringing at lunchtime. If you want a chat, please ask your parents to get in touch.
Have a lovely weekend and stay safe in the heat or the rain.
Mrs S.
Thursday 25th June 2020
Hello lovely people,
Gosh, it is so hot. I hope that you all managed to get some sleep despite the temperature. It is due to be very hot again today. Don't forget to drink plenty of water to hydrate your brain!
You are still my superstars as we are in the lead for TT completed games once again. Whoooooop, whooooop! One of our class members has completed an amazing 69 games too. A special well done to that member of our Year 3, you know who you are. Keep it up everyone!
Stay safe in the heat,
Mrs S.
Tuesday 22nd June 2020/ Wednesday 23rd June 2020
Hello lovely people,
Well, I don't know what happened to Tuesday's message. I thought I had done it. Sorry.
It's Wednesday now. How are we all? Have you tried a wellbeing activity yet? I have had a lovely picture sent in from one member of our class doing what makes him happy.
Whoooooooo! We are already in the lead with TT. Keep it up my dream team. All of these skills you are gaining now will really help your Maths next year.
Keep sending me photos. I haven't had many this week.
Stay safe,
Mrs S.
Friday 19th June 2020
Whooooo again! You have done me proud. We are back at the top of the school for completed TT games. We can do better though as some of you still need to finish your games. Keep it up, my superstars.
How have you gone on with your DT construction? I haven't seen any boxes. Have you managed?
Keep in touch and have a lovely weekend,
Mrs S.
Thursday 18th June 2020
Hello lovely people,
How are we?
I know that things in school are changing and some of you might have friends that are back in school. Please don't think that means we think about you any less. If anything, it means we think about you more because you are part of our school. You are part of our class and you are not forgotten. I can phone you and I am at the end of an email too. Keep in touch.
TT Rock Stars
We are only one player behind the lead class. You can do it! We can get back to the top. Please complete your games.
I have had some super work sent in and some amazing photos too including one special visit for a member of our class. Look below.
Stay safe,
Mrs S.
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Hello lovely people,
Please try a little harder with your TT games. Only 9 people have completed their sessions so far. 2M and 5R are ahead of us. You can do it, don't let me down.
Has anyone solved the Geography grid references yet? I would love to know your answers. Send them in.
How are your DT boxes coming along? I would really like to see those too.
Keep in touch,
Mrs S.
Burnley College is running a virtual science festival with fun activities to try at home. Copy the link below to find out more.
A River Quiz
These were created by some of our class today.
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Hello lovely people,
How are we all? Please get in touch if you need a chat.
Did you all like the school video this week? Have you worked out which photograph is me?
4D are just ahead of us on TT so please try to complete your games today.
Thank you for the work below and the photos. Goodness me how you have grown since I last saw you. You all look so grown up.
Stay safe and keep in touch. I am looking forward to speaking to some more of you this week too.
Mrs S.
A useful website for parents to view. I particularly like the information on internet safety.
Friday 12th June 2020
Hello lovely people,
It's the end of another week. Once again you have done me proud with your work. I have a huge selection for you to look at below and one brilliant piece that I missed adding before. Sorry.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs S.
Thursday 11th June 2020
Whoooo hooooo my dream team. We have more completed games than any other class on TT. You are brilliant. One day to go. Do you think we can stay on top? If you haven't finished your sessions, please try to do them today.
Try to send in some photos too. I haven't seen very many this week.
Keep working hard,
Mrs S.
Wednesday 9th June 2020
Hello lovely people,
We are level with one of the other classes at the top of the school table. Those of you who haven't done your sessions yet, we really need your help. Come on my dream team!
How are you finding your work this week? Is there anything that you are finding a little tricky? Don't forget you can use the class address and I will help you.
Stay safe,
Mrs S.
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Hello lovely people,
I have had lots of lovely work sent to me recently. Thank you. You are amazing! Take a minute to look below.
We are doing really well with our TT this week . It is only Tuesday and we are level with some of the older classes. Come on my dream team, keep it up! One of our players has already completed 50 games. You know who you are, I am very proud of you.
Mrs S.
I haven't forgotten our class song either. I'm still working on it. It is a new skill for me and I am persevering, just like one of our school values.
Keep in touch,
Mrs S.
Friday 5th June 2020
Hello lovely people,
You are wonderful. I asked for messages and you sent me photos and emails. Just brilliant. I am so proud of you. Thank you. I do miss you all and it is wonderful to stay in touch. Send me an email if you would like me to ring you for a chat and I will call you from school. I have spoken to some of you already.
I saw Mrs Smith in school yesterday too. She is one of my closest friends. It was so lovely to see her, even at a distance. We have been keeping in touch by phone at lot recently as we can't see friends the way we used to at the moment. I hope you are managing to speak to your friends too.
Yesterday, lots of you completed your TT. Come on the last few of you, we are second in school at the moment. Keep it up!
Stay safe and have a lovely weekend.
Mrs S.
Thursday 4th June 2020
Hello lovely people,
I didn't hear from many people yesterday. Please keep sending me messages and photos. I do like to know how you are doing.
Come on my dream team, we are being beaten by 2M on TT this week. Complete your sessions today please. We need to be top again.
One of our class members is taking their learning on further by trying something scientific. Look at the photo below. What do you think will happen?
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Hello lovely people,
The weather has been so nice recently. I hope that you have been enjoying it. Look at what we found hiding on the back of our house whilst we were cutting back the ivy. We left the ivy long around it and made sure that we didn't disturb the nest. I wonder if you know the type of bird that laid these eggs?
A new competition for you to try if you wish...
Medicspot is calling all Clitheroe Pendle Primary School children
to share their creative ideas to help encourage frequent hand washing. Find out how you can enter and win £500 for Clitheroe Pendle Primary School here:
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Hello lovely people,
I have been trying to get in touch with those of you I haven't heard from in a while. Please keep in touch all of you. I really do like to see what you are doing and to know that you are safe and well. Keep sending the photos to the 34Shomelearning address.
I have been on TT today and we are level with some of the other classes for completed sessions. Come on my dream team, we have been in the lead for the last 2 or 3 weeks. Don't let me down now!
Keep at it,
Mrs S.
Monday 1st June 2020
Hello lovely people,
Welcome back! I missed you last week. I thought you might like to see how my lockdown goals are coming along. Here is a photo of my blanket so far.
Keep working hard and trying to reach your goals,
Mrs S.
Friday 22nd May 2020
Hello lovely people,
Here we are at the end of the half term. I keep saying it but I am so proud of you all. You continue to amaze me with your work. Have a good rest next week and enjoy spending time with your family if you can.
Stay safe and keep in touch,
Mrs S.
Thursday 21st May 2020
Hello lovely people,
Come on my dream team, 2 classes are catching us up on TT. We had the most completed sessions last week. Don't let me down. Keep at it!
We are nearly at the end of the half term. Please get in touch so that I can send you each a message. I know school isn't the same as usual but I do think about you all every single day and it is so nice to find out how you all are.
Stay safe and well,
Mrs S.
Wednesday 20th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
Whoop, whoop, my dream team. We are in lead of all the other classes again for completed TT sessions and one member of the class has completed over 100 games this week. You know who you are, well done. I am so proud of you all.
I have also had some beautiful art work sent in. Keep up the good work everyone!
Stay safe,
Mrs S.
Tuesday 19th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
How was your day yesterday? Did you laugh at the video? One or two are tricky to guess. I'm going to add an answer sheet below for you to see how many you got right.
I have had lots of amazing work sent in and some more song videos. I will be making it at half term when I have a little more time so you are not too late if you want to join in.
We are level with the other classes for TT this week. Come on, we were further in front last week.
Stay safe my dream team,
Mrs S.
Monday 18th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
This is our last week of work before half term. I hope that you will continue to work hard.
Did you like our baked potato video? It made me giggle making it. Can you work out which potato is which member of staff?
Have fun and stay safe,
Mrs S.
Friday 15th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
Well you are doing me proud, my fantastic dream team. We are still the lead class and 21 people have already completed their TT this week.
I need your help with our song too. I don't have enough clips to make it yet. Please join in.
I would like to see your PSHE creations too!
You are all amazing.
Mrs S.
Thursday 14th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
You are still the dream team. We are in the lead and ahead of all the other classes for completed sessions on TT yet again. Well done.
I have seen some amazing pieces of work this week and the teachers are busy working on yet another one of their little surprises for you all. I know you will enjoy it.
Keep up the good work,
Mrs S.
Wednesday 13th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
You are truly my dream team. We have had more people completing TT than any other class so far this week. Just brilliant. Come on the rest of you, keep us at the top!
The first few PSHE sculpture photos have arrived. Can you guess who they are?
Keep working hard my class, I am proud of you.
Mrs S.
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
Thank you for the video clips that arrived today. I still need many more. Please send them in.
Sorry I haven't managed the next part of the story for a few days, I will get back on to it soon. Other things have taken over recently.
Only 7 of you have completed your TT. Come on my dream team, crack on!
Mrs S.
Monday 11th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
Another week on. Keep working hard for me please. Only 17 of you completed your TT last week. I wonder if all of you can complete your sessions this week?
I still need lots of clips for our song too. I only have 3 so far. I know it will sound amazing when it is finished.
I can't wait to see your PSHE character creations. I'm looking forward to working each one out.
Stay safe,
Mrs S.
Thursday 7th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
I received my first song clip yesterday. It is just brilliant. I am so impressed to see the family joining in too. Thank you.
So come on the rest of you, you know what to do after seeing this. Please send me your clips to help make our film.
Mrs S.
Wednesday 6th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
Another busy day. Here are the words and the backing track for 'Times Like These'. I really, really would like you to take part. We have asked 2/1S to join us too so that we are representing the school.
In order for this to work, you need to be filmed singing whilst listening to the tune on headphones. That way, I can just add your beautiful faces and voices to the main track. You don't need to sing the whole song, just part of it. If you want to sing with other family members that's ok too. Send your clips to
Come on my dream team, join in and make a special memory!
Mrs S.
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Hello lovely people,
Well, as you can see I have been busy with my computing skills. I finished editing the Mr Dibb PE video. I really hope it made you smile and giggle. We were giggling making it.
I am now trying to edit the keepie uppie clips into a film and I hope to add that video soon too. There were some amazing clips. Thank you. Keep looking in to see it.
I received lots of photographs yesterday and I will add them to the website tomorrow too.
Take care and keep working hard,
Mrs S.
Friday 1st May 2020
Hello lovely people,
The end of another week but the start of a new month. I am definitely missing you all even more. Your PSHE videos are wonderful. Please keep sending them in. I know they will make you smile as much as they make me smile.
Yesterday was a bumper day for other work too. Thank you to everyone that sent in their photographs. You are all so brilliant.
We have our lowest TT score since leaving school. Please complete your sessions as they will really help with your calculation strategies and make your learning easier.
Mrs S.
Scroll down for more videos too.
Thursday 30th April 2020
Hello lovely people,
First of all I would like to say a massive thank you to all of your supportive parents. I have received lots of emails showing me your hard work and video clips too.
Many thanks for the backing track for our class song from 2 of our talented parents and thank you for the guitar chords from another parent too. Please warm up your voices and rehearse!
So come on 3/4S rise to the challenges!
Mrs S.
Wednesday 29th April 2020
Hello lovely people,
Here is my PSHE video. I have chosen to do my keepie uppies with a tennis racket rather than my foot. You can do them any way you wish. Please send in videos of your attempt by Friday afternoon so we can make a class film. I can't wait to see the object you choose too.
I've added the first chapter of my story in the Story Time folder as well. Have a listen. Can you guess what the story is?
We are really low on our TT this week. Please try a little harder.
Mrs S.
Tuesday 28th April 2020
Hello lovely people,
Another day and more time for us all to try new things. I've been learning lots of new technology skills to share with the teachers. It's good to explore. I hope I find out something new every single day of my life.
Yesterday I heard from quite a few of you and saw yet more fantastic work. Have a look below to see what some of you have been doing.
Monday 27th April 2020
Hello lovely people,
Well it is the start of another week. I hope that you will enjoy completing this week's activities. I'm looking forward to seeing your PSHE videos. I will try the challenge too and post my video later in the week.
Please complete your TT this week as I can see which of you aren't going on. It really will help you with your calculations.
Keep sending your messages and your work. I will answer you. If you want to send a message to your friends, you can too. No names though please.
Mrs S.
Friday 24th April 2020
Hello lovely people,
I can't thank you enough for all of the emails I have received this week. It has really made me feel like you are all with me. Please keep sending messages and work. It's wonderful.
Yesterday was a bumper day for receiving photos and videos too. Thank you.
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Hello lovely people,
Thank you so much for your messages this week. Nearly half of the class have contacted me and that is just amazing. I have replied to anyone that has sent me a message and I hope to have made contact with you all over the next few weeks. It is so nice to hear that you are all staying safe and trying so hard with your learning.
Keep on TT please, we were in the lead and ahead of all of the classes at the start of the week. Now, they are catching us up for completed sessions.
More amazing work below. Keep sending it!
Mrs S.
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Hello lovely people,
Yesterday was a very busy day at school. It doesn't seem the same without you all there and I miss your smiles and conversation. However, your brilliant work and messages that you are sending in really keep me cheery. Thank you.
We need to choose a class song to sing so please email in your suggestions and then we will have a vote.
Mrs S.
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Hello lovely people,
What a lovely start to the new term! It was lovely to receive email messages from some of you. It really made me smile. Please get in touch as it is so nice to know what you have all been doing. Don't forget, you can use the address and I can answer you.
Please work hard on your TT as I can see if you have been on or not. Only 12 of you have been on today. Come on, don't let me down.
Mrs S.
Lovely images below sent in yesterday.
Monday 20th April 2020
Welcome back after the Easter break. I hope that you have all managed to have some quality family time. Our learning from home continues as before. Please work hard for me and I will be in touch with all of you at some point in the next three weeks. Notice that we have a new address for staying in touch. Please use this address to send in your messages, photos and videos as it is a direct link to me.
Back to work lovely people.
Thursday 2nd April 2020 continued...
Yet more amazing work. It is lovely to see everything being completed so well. I am grinning from ear to ear!
A brilliant piece of writing. Well done!
Thursday 2nd April 2020
Hello lovely people,
I have seen some amazing work yesterday, you are all doing me proud. It was wonderful to see so much variety too, from the hat and the Viking longboat to the song and the yoga. Just brilliant. Keep working on TT, we haven't all finished our sessions for this week yet. I'm watching you.
Mrs S.
Wednesday 1st April 2020 continued...
More brilliant photos, thank you. Keep them coming. You can even make a message to send in and I'll post it here for you too.
Mrs S.
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Hello lovely people,
Well done and thank you! Only 3 people have yet to start their TT this week and 24 of you have completed your games or more. Brilliant. Please keep it up.
How are your hats going? Brian and I are really looking forward to seeing them. He is busy making his Viking longboat at the moment and he will show you a picture when he has finished.
Thank you for the photos of your lovely work. I know there is a 'Clock Tower' story coming from a member of Year 3 Emeralds that I can't wait to read too.
Mrs S.
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Hello lovely people,
I have been busy working from home today, just like you. It is a little different. I have been making resources and looking at how I can help you with your learning. There are still some of you that are not going on TT Rock Stars. Try to complete your Soundcheck sessions as well as your Garage. Please try harder with this as it will make mathematics easier for you as you move through the school. I'm watching you!
Keep sending in your pictures, the ones I got yesterday really brightened my day.
Mrs S.
Monday 30th March 2020 continued...
More of your lovely working from home photos. I am so proud of you. You make me smile when you send them in. Thank you.
Mrs S.
Monday 30th March 2020
Brian has been busy sewing his own hat for the DT project. We can't wait to see your efforts. Please send in photos.
Mrs S.
Friday 27th March continued...
Thank you for the lovely work sent in today. What a super way to end the week!
Friday 27th March 2020
Hello lovely people,
We have reached the end of week 1. I have been very impressed by the way you are using the resources to keep up with your learning. I am incredibly proud of you. This is one of our lovely class members busy with their Roman numeral bingo. Fabulous.
Mrs S.
Scroll down for the 'Start of the Day' activities.
Thursday 26th March continued...
DT information for making hats can be found in the Foundation Subject folder. Hope it helps.
7 of you still haven't been on TT Rock Stars. We are losing the battle to 3K, please help as it ends tomorrow!
Mrs S.
Thursday 26th March 2020
Hello lovely people,
Thank you so much to all of those pupils who sent in photos. It was the highlight of my day. Please keep sending photos or messages to:
We are losing our TT battle against 3K, please help! There are still 12 people who haven't started - I'm still watching you!
Scroll down below the art for the Vocabulary Ninja and the 'Start of the Day' activity.
Mrs S.
Wednesday 25th March continued...
I am in school today busy teaching and I am smiling from ear to ear! I have just opened my emails whilst I am eating my lunch and I want to say thank you to those people that have sent in photos of their work. Superb! You have made my day.
Mrs S.
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Hello lovely people,
Well another day has gone by. I hope you are managing with your work. I would love to see some of your leaflets. Send a photo if you can to:
Brian has been busy with his home learning activities. Here he is catching up with the day's events.
Keep working hard and don't forget to TT please,
Mrs S.
Monday 23rd March 2020 / Tuesday 24th March 2020
Hello lovely people,
How was your first day? Did you manage to complete all of your work? We did in school. It felt very unusual with so many of you not there but I kept thinking about you all.
I have started a TT battle against 3K, don't let me down, please rise to the challenge. 12 of you haven't started your TT yet - I'm watching you!
If you want to send photos of your work or messages for the class, I will add them to the website for your friends to see. Only send one message/photo a week and I will do my best to put them on. Try not to use names though. Please email them to:
I am adding the 'Start of the Day' activities here, so please look in every day. Keep scrolling down below the Vocabulary Ninja words.
Keep safe and keep smiling,
Mrs S.
Saturday 21st March 2020
Hello lovely people,
Well, it seems very strange to be planning lessons that I won't deliver to you all. I will be thinking about your smiling faces and those puzzled looks when I give you a challenge!
I am looking into ways in which we can keep in touch so that I can find out all about your days and your learning journeys. In the meantime, keep looking here to keep up to date.
Having spoken to the class, I know that you were all keen to keep seeing our Vocabulary Ninja words so I will keep adding those here to stretch your vocabulary and there will be daily SODAs to complete too.
Enjoy your first day, it's all on the website for you to follow.
Mrs S.