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Class Novel

I hope you are enjoying listening to our class novel and answering the questions. 

This our last class novel, I hope you enjoy it. 
Harry and the Bucket Full of Dinosaurs.

By Ian Whybrow.


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I hope you have enjoyed our last class novel.

1. What do you think will happen next?

2. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...


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1. How do you think Harry is feeling?
2. What do you think will happen next?
3. Why do you think the lost property man wanted to be sure the dinosaurs belonged to Harry? 
4. What do you think the dinosaurs have been doing?


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1. What do you know about Harry?

2. How do you think Harry is feeling? 


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1. Have you ever found something that you would like to keep? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. Do you think Harry is looking after the dinosaurs well? Why? 
3. What do you think Harry will do with the dinosaurs?

4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. Were your predictions right? I thought... but now I think... 

6. What do you think will happen next? Why?

7. What do you want to find out about? I wonder ....

I would like to know...


1. What do you think the story will be about? Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

2. What would you like to find out?


by Nick Butterworth


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1. What do you think will happen next?

2. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...


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1. Have you ever seen a strange creature and wondered what it was? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. Do you think one of the animals will be brave and scare the creature away? What will they do?
3. What do you think the animals will do?

4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. Were your predictions right? I thought... but now I think... 

6. What do you think will happen next? Why?

7. What do you want to find out about? I wonder ....

I would like to know...


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1. Where do you think they will go next?
2. Do you think Spike can help? 
3. What do you think Spike will do?

4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. Were your predictions right? I thought... but now I think... 

6. What do you think will happen next? Why?

7. What do you want to find out about? I wonder ....

I would like to know..


1. What do you think the story will be about? Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ....

Thank you to everyone who sent in their vote, our winning book, with just 1 more vote is ...

Owl Babies🦉 

by Martin Waddell

(the other two books will be read over the next two weeks as they both received the same number of votes) 


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I hope you have enjoyed the story. I have a few more questions for you.

1. What do you think will happen next?

2. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...

Sort correct Thursday

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Remember to use the illustrations and text to support your answers. 

Today’s questions:

1. Why do you think the owls think their mummy is lost? 
2. Have you ever wished for something? 
3. Where do you think the mummy owl has been? Why? 
4. What would you like to find out about the story?

5. How do you think the story will end? 


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1. Where do you think Mum Owl has gone? 
2. How do you think the baby owls are feeling? 
3. What have you found out about the baby owls?  
4. Why do you think they all sat on one branch together?  


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Here are a few more questions to get you thinking about the story. 
1. Have you ever seen an owl? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. Where do you think the mummy owl has gone? Why? 
3. What do you think the baby owls will do?

4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. Were your predictions right? I thought... but now I think... 

6. What do you think will happen next? Why?

7. What do you want to find out about? I wonder ....


Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

1. What do you think will happen in the story?

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ... 

Elevator Magic 

by Stuart Murphy

This week our book is slightly different as it has a maths theme. 


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1. Can you remember all the places that they visited on the elevator ride?

2. Where would you have stopped? Why?

3. What do you think will happen next? 


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1. What do you think will be on level 5? Why? 

2. What do you want to find out about? I wonder .... I would like to know....


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1. Have you been in a lift/elevator nod pressed the buttons? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. What do you think will be on level 8? Why? 
3. Were your predictions from the front cover right? I thought... but now I think...

4. What do you want to find out about? I wonder .... I would like to know....

Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

1. What do you think will happen in the story?

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ... 

The squirrels who squabbled

Rachel Bright and Jim Field


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1. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...

2. What part did you enjoy most? Why? 

3. What did you find out about the squirrels? 


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1. How do you think the squirrels feel? 
2. What do you think the squirrels are thinking?
3. Why do you think will get the pine cone?  
4. What would you like to find out about the story?

5. How do you think the story will end? 


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1. Where do you think the pine cone will go? 
2. How do you think Cyril and Bruce are feeling? 
3. What have you found out about the squirrels so far? 
4. What do you think the bear will do? 
5. How would you describe the squirrels? Why? 


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1. Have you ever seen a squirrel? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. What do you think the squirrel will do? Why? 
3. What do you think the squirrel will find? Why? 
4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. What do you know about the squirrel? 

6. Were your predictions from the front cover right? I thought... but now I think...

7. What do you want to find out about? I wonder .... I would like to know....


Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

1. What do you think will happen in the story?

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ... 

The Smartest Giant in Town

Julia Donaldson 



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1. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...

2. What part did you enjoy most? Why? 

3. What did you find out about the giant? 


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1. What do you think will happen when the giant goes back to the shop? 
2. What would you like to find out about the story?

3. How do you think the story will end? 


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1. Where do you think the giant will do next?  
2. How do you think the goat is feeling? 
3. What have you found out about the giant so far? 
4. What would have happened if the giant had not given the mouse his shoe? 
5. How would you describe the giant? Why? 



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1. Have you ever given someone something that belonged to you? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. How do you think George felt in his new clothes? Why? 
3. Can you remember what George bought?

4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. Were your predictions right? I thought... but now I think... 

6. What do you think will happen to the goats boat? Why?

7. What do you want to find out about? I wonder ....

Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

1. What do you think will happen in the story?

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ... 

The Way Back Home

Oliver Jeffers 


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I hope you have enjoyed the story. I have a few more questions for you.

1. What do you think will happen when the boy and the Martian return home?

2. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...


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1. How do you think the Marian felt when the boy left? 
2. What do you think it would be like on the moon?
3. Why do you think the boy went home on his own?  
4. What would you like to find out about the story?

5. How do you think the story will end? 


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I hope you are enjoying our story so far.

Today’s question:

1. What do you think the boy will do?
2. How do you think the boy is feeling? 
3. What have you found out about the boy so far? 
4. What do you think will happen if his torch goes out? 
5. How would you describe the boy? Why? 

6. What would you do if you were the boy?

7. What do you think will happen next? 


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I hope you enjoy the beginning of the story. Here are a few more questions to get you thinking about the story. 
1. Have you ever found something you had forgotten about? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. Do you think The Boy will be able to fly the plane? Why? 
3. What do you think The Boy will do?

4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. Were your predictions right? I thought... but now I think... 

6. What do you think will happen next? Why?

7. What do you want to find out about? I wonder ....

I would like to know...


Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

1. What do you think will happen in the story?

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ... 

A House That Once Was

Julie Fogliano and Lane Smith


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I hope you have enjoyed this weeks story.
I have a few more questions for you.

1. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...

2. What did you find out about the children? 
3. Who do you think lived in the house? 


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1. Were any of you predictions the same as the stories?
2. How do you think the story will end?  


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1. What do you think will happen next?  

2. What would you like to find out more about? I wonder ...

3. Who do you think lived in the house? 
4. What do you think the children find next? 
5. What do we know about the person or people that lived in the house? 

6. What do you know about the children? 
7. Why do you think The children went into the house? 


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1. Have you ever seen an abandoned house? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. Do you think the children will go in the house? Why? 
3. What do you think they will find? Why? 
4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. What do you know about the house? 

6. Were your predictions from the front cover right? I thought... but now I think...

7. What do you want to find out about? I wonder .... I would like to know....


Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

1. What do you think will happen in the story?

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ... 

Caterpillar and Bean 

Martin Jenkins 


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I hope you have enjoyed this weeks story.
I have a few more questions for you.

1. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...

2. What did you find out about bean plants?

3. What did you find out about the caterpillar? 



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1. What do you think will happen next?  

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ...

3. What had happened to the caterpillar? 
4. What do you think will tumble out? 


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Did you guess what the egg was going to be? 
1. Why do you think the leaf has holes in it?

2. What have you found out so far? 
3. Does the story remind you of any other stories? Why? 

4. What do you think will happen next?  

5. What would you like to find out more about? I wonder ...


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Did you think it’s was a non-fiction book or a fiction book? 

1. Have you ever planted a bean seed and watched it grow? This makes me think about a time when ......
2. What do you think will happen to the bean seed? Why? 
3. What have you found out about bean seeds so far?

4. Where do you think the egg came from? Why? 

5. What do you think will happen to the egg? Why?

6. What do you want to find out about? I wonder .... I would like to know....


Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

1. What do you think will happen in the story?

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ... 

3. What type of book do you think this will be? Why?


Oliver’s Fruit Salad

Alison Bartlett


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I hope you have enjoyed this weeks story.
I have a few more questions for you.

1. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...

2. What did you find out about Oliver? 


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1. What do you think will happen next?  

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ...

3. How do you think the Oliver is feeling? 
4. Which fruits would you choose for your fruit salad? 
5. What skills will Oliver be practicing/using to prepare the fruit salad? 


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Remember to use the text and illustrations to support your ideas. 

1. What do you think will happen next?  

2. What would you like to find out more about? I wonder ...

3. How do you think the Oliver is feeling? 
4. What fruits would you choose? Why? 
5. What do you think Oliver and Mum will do with the fruit?

6. Do you think grandpa could grow bananas and grapes? 
7. Why do you think Oliver has never seen a pineapple in grandpa’s garden? 


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1. Have you ever grown any fruit or vegetables? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. Where do you think Oliver and his mum will go shopping? Why? 
3. What do you think they will buy? Why? 
4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. What do you know about Oliver? 

6. Were your predictions from the front cover right? I thought... but now I think...

7. What do you want to find out about? I wonder .... I would like to know....


Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

1. What do you think will happen in the story?

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ... 

3. Have you ever had or made a fruit salad?

The Enormous Potato

Aubrey Davis 



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I hope you have enjoyed the story. I have a few more questions for you.

1. What do you think will happen now all the potato has been eaten?

2. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...

3. What did you find out about the farmer? 
4. What would you have done with such a huge potato? 
(I think I would make some creamy mash potato, yum! My favourite).


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Remember to use the text and illustrations to support your ideas. 

1. what do you think will happen next?  

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ...

3. How do you think the farmer is feeling? 
4. What would you do with a huge potato? 
5. What do you think the farmer will say?

6. How do you think the farmer is feeling? 


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Today’s question:

1. What do you think think the farmer thought when he saw the potato?  
2. Why do you think the farmer needs help?
3. What have you found out about The story so far? 
4. What do you think the farmer will do with such a huge potato? 
5. How would you describe the farmer? Why? 

6. What do you think will happen next? 
7. What would you like to find out about? 


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I hope you enjoy the beginning of the story.
Here are a few questions to get you thinking about the story. 
1. Have you ever planted a seed? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. Do you think the farmer did to help the potato grow so big? Why? 
3. How do you think the farmer so thinking when he sees the size of the potato leaves?
4. What do plants need to grow?

5. What have you found out about the story so far?

6. Were your predictions from the front cover right? I thought... but now I think....

7. What do you think will happen next? Why?

8. What do you want to find out about? I wonder .... I would like to know....


1. What did you think the story will be about? Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ...

Finnigan's Flap

Joan Stimson

This week's class novel was chosen by Ilona. I used to read this story to her when she was a little girl (this is the orginal book too).



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I hope you have enjoyed the story. I have a few more questions for you.

1. What do you think will happen next?

2. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...

3. What did you find out about Finnigan? 
4. What did you find out about the Billings?

5. What part did you enjoy most? Why? 


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Today’s question; remember to use the text and illustrations to support your ideas. 

1. Where your predictions About Finnigan’s plan correct? I thought ... but now I think ...

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ...

3. How do you think the Billings are feeling? 
4. What do you think the Billings are thinking? 
5. What do you think Finnigan will do next?

6. How do you think Finnigan is feeling? 
7. What do you think Finnigan is thinking? 


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I hope you are enjoying our story so far.

Today’s question:

1. Where do you think The Billings were going?  
2. Why do you think the van was so important to them?
3. What have you found out about Finnigan so far? 
4. What do you think Finnigan’s plan will be to convince the Billings they need a cat flap for him? 
5. How would you describe Finnigan? Why? 

6. How would you describe Selina? Why? 


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I hope you enjoy the beginning of the story. Here are a few more questions to get you thinking about the story. 
1. What is it like in your house, are you busy like the Billings? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. Do you think Finnigan will get a cat flap? Why? 
3. How do you think Finnigan is feeling when he looks out of the window?

4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. Were your predictions of the front cover right? I thought... but now I think... 

6. What do you think will happen next? Why?

7. What do you want to find out more about? I wonder ....


1. What did you think the story will be about? Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ....

The Wild Woods

Simon James


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I hope you have enjoyed the story. I have a few more questions for you.

1. What do you think will happen when Jess and Grandad return to the woods?

2. What would you like to know more about? I would like to know if ...

3. What do you know about Jess and her grandad? 



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Remember to use the illustrations and text to support your answers. 

Today’s questions:

1. Why do you think Jess wants to go back to the woods? 
2. Have you ever been into the woodlands? What did you do there?
3. Where have you been that you would like to go again? Why? 
4. What would you like to find out about the story?

5. How do you think the story will end? 



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I hope you are enjoying our story so far.

Today’s question:

1. Where do you think Jess will end up? 
2. How do you think Grandad is feeling? 
3. What have you found out about Jess so far? 
4. What would happen if Jess took the squirrel home? 
5. How would you describe Jess? Why? 

6. How would you describe Grandad? Why? 


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I hope you enjoy the beginning of the story. Here are a few more questions to get you thinking about the story. 
1. Have you ever seen something that you would like to take home with you? This makes me think about a time when .......
2. Do you think Jess can keep a squirrel? Why? 
3. What do you think Jess will feed the squirrel?

4. What have you found out about the story so far?

5. Were your predictions right? I thought... but now I think... 

6. What do you think will happen next? Why?

7. What do you want to find out about? I wonder ....

I would like to know...


1. What do you think the story will be about? Use the illustrations and title to help your predictions.

2. What would you like to find out? I wonder ....

