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Autumn 2

We have been watching the advert 'Edgar the Excitable Dragon'. The children have created a collage of him and described his apperance.

We have been investigateing the features of non-fiction texts. We found titles, contents pages, sub-headings, images, captions and glossaries.

As part of our SPAG we were focusing on adding -ing, have of the children had a verb and they had to find their partner with the -ing verb.

Today we went into the wildlife garden and built a bonfire. Then we listened to bonfire poems and discussed what we liked about them. GB liked how it said zoom, bang, bang. FP liked how the poem rhymed. The children then learnt a bonfire pome and preformed them around our bonfire.

The children have been listening to bonfire poems. They have made bonfire pictures and annotated them with adjectives.
