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Autumn 2


Anti-bullying week coincided with our inter-faith week within school, so we decided to make a full day to discuss and talk about the impact bullying has on people. This year's focus on bullying was looking at "reaching out" and looking at the different roles people play within bullying. 


As a class, we discussed the impact bullying has on children by giving them all a piece of paper and asking them to scrunch it up, throw it, stamp on it then to apologise for the horrible things they have done. We discussed how even though we have apologised to the paper and tried to make it back to its original state, the creases show how bullying still has a huge impact on a person's life even if this was to stop. 


We discussed the different roles within bullying and how it is often misunderstood that there is only a victim and a perpetrator, when actually there is usually a lot more people involved. We discussed our roles as friends and how we can support those around us by "reaching out" and who to "reach out" to if you are feeling down or are being bullied.


The children then created their own posters in aid to stop bullying and to help younger children understand what bullying is and what to do when it happens. Using acronyms such as STOP (Several, Times On Purpose, Start Telling Other People) or BOO (Being Mean, On Purpose, Over and Over).
