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Autumn 2

We began our Non-Fiction unit by exploring different types of books. We sorted them into groups using sorting circles.

We have orally retold the story of 'Zog' and created our own new character! We used prompts to help us when thinking about who our character would be...

We wrote questions to the Knight. We used question hands to support our thinking and then checked we had used the correct punctuation with finger lights. At the end of the lesson, Miss DeRosa put on a 'knight' helmet and answered our questions in character!

We looked at Zog in more detail, describing him using adjectives. We also thought about the type of person Princess Pearl is... we had to sort through the words and place them on the 'role on the wall'. Some children chose to write sentences within their choice activity.

Our new topic is Dragons... we entered the classroom to find a giant egg! We wondered how it got into 1D, and of course, what was inside it! We discovered it to be 'Zog'. After that, we had lots of questions about how we came to be in our classroom. We discussed them together, thinking about the use of question marks. Some children recorded themselves asking Zog their questions, whilst others wrote them down. We are excited to find out more about Zog, he also left us a storybook...

After a busy week writing our very own firework poems, we drank hot chocolate and listened to one another reading them aloud.

We orally retold our focussed poem, 'Fireworks'.

Still image for this video

After reading a poem which focussed on the sounds fireworks make, we identified how to change these words by adding the 'ing' suffix. Onomatopoeia words! We joined up flashcards and/or used chalk to write down the firework sounds we discussed.
