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Autumn 2

Recapping length: Miss Markham asked us to draw a line a certain cms long.  Then, she asked us to draw a line longer than/shorter than a stated length.  

Repeated addition as grouping:

Understanding groups of as arrays:

3D shape:

Sorting 2D shapes:

A group of children completed addition and subtraction facts to 10 using the tens frame:

Recapping number bonds to 10.  We worked with a partner and one of us took some objects from the tub and hid them behind our back.  Our partner had to to say how many were hidden after counting the number left in the tub.  It was great fun! 

Recapping length by drawing lines of a stated length:

Subtracting a two-digit number from a two-digit number using Base 10:

Recapping counting on in 2s to 24

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