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Autumn 1: Me and My Family

Week 6


9th - 13th October

Who can we talk to when we are worried? How do they help us?

Number 3! We have played a shake and drop game with 3 double sided counters. This helped us to see the different ways 3 can be composed. Once we had dropped our counters, we spoke about how 3 has been made and then represented it using dots.

Following on from our investigations yesterday, we made a list of ingredients we would like to add to our porridge. We followed a recipe to make our own porridge, added our toppings, observed how the porridge changed again and then tasted it. The children used words such as “sweet” and “sticky” to describe the porridge.

Porridge! The children enjoyed exploring with the porridge oats. They mixed their oats with different ingredients, and use their hands to feel how it changed, their eyes to observe and their noses to smell how the oats changed as we added another ingredient.

Drawing Club! Draw the house of the 3 bears. Some excellent secret codes on our drawings... “My code is a X to say Goldilocks can’t come in!”

The clues led us to believe it was Goldilocks! Our mission was to draw Goldilocks and add a secret code to our drawing.

The children helped to retell the story of Goldilocks!

Who has been in our classroom? We need the RZ detectives to find out who it is.

Week 5

2nd - 6th October

Where We Live

Thank you so much for joining us for our family lunch! What a treat to welcome you into school and enjoy a school lunch together. The children were so proud to share this with you!

Super teamwork to draw a mouse family!

All aboard the p p pirate ship!

More excellent teamwork to create this jigsaw!

We have been looking at maps and drawing maps of our journey to school.

Week 3

25th - 28th September

My Family

Sorting pictures based on their starting sound.

What do we like to do with our families?

Which body parts can you name?

Pebble portraits of our families.

Making stick puppets of someone special in our family.

Our super special families!

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Practising the letter “s”.

Thank you for the family photos! Please continue to send if you haven't already!

Learning all about the number 1!

After talking about who is in our family, we chalked the people who are in our family.

We enjoyed sharing photos of our families.

Week 3

18th - 22nd Sept

Marvellous Me!

Our listening walk.

We have been showing our super cutting skills.

🌳 Forest Thursday 🌳 Too busy searching for the Gruffalo to take lots of photos today!

Super exploring in the Wildlife Garden!

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We couldn’t resist putting our wellies on and going on a puddle hunt! We found an enormous puddle in the playground.

We have spoken about what makes our faces so special, and discussed how all being different is special too! We then added features to out portraits using paint.

Week 2

11th - 15th Sept

Our Class Family

Roll the dice and represent the amount using penguins. Super subitising and counting skills!

“It’s Clitheroe Castle!”

“I wrote my name.”

“A Spider-Man web.”

We have started creating self portraits to display in our class. Our gallery of artwork will show anybody who enters RZ our class family.

A super cat drawing whilst busy in the class provision!

We had lots of imaginative ideas while creating our pictures today.

Baking with Mrs Hailwood! We are so lucky to have Mrs Hailwood teach us how to bake on alternate Tuesday afternoons! The first group of children had their turn today and made rock buns! We enjoyed sharing these together during our story time session today.

Super riding on the balance and pedal bikes!

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Our first full day! There are going to be plenty of tired children tonight as we have been soooooo busy! What a super start to the week!

Week 1

Mon 4th - Fri 8th September

Settling In

Could not be prouder at the end of our first week!

We have drawn a picture of ourselves on our first day of school! It was super to see each child so eager to show me their super drawing, and tell me about the marks they had made!

Super attention to detail when drawing our pictures!

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We have been learning about our school rules; Ready, Respectful and Safe. We are doing a super job at following these so far!

It is always exciting to see the children explore the many different areas within the classroom.

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We listened to The Colour Monster story to talk about different feelings. We have our own feelings station where we can talk about, and share our feelings with others.

Superstar helpers working with Mrs Davy to give our tarpaulin a fresh clean! A super way to practise our gross motor skills.

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Excellent tidying! A super way to show our school rule, “Respectful”

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